Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 173,432,373 Issue: 405 | 14th day of Hiding, Y11
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword sappire_charizard

Week - 367

Buddings the Knightess
by sappire_charizard
Description: AWKWARD.

Week - 381

Of Slorgs and World Domination
by sappire_charizard
Description: There is a menace in Neopia, join the ranks against the evil, the invincible, the... the... SLORG.

Week - 405

Buddings the Knightess
by sappire_charizard
Description: Manliness is relative. In this case, that relative is Uncle Eupel.

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Freakazoid - 2
That darn Weewoo.

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James Nexis - Betrayal: Part Five
"Don't take it personally, please. He's a reporter; he can't help himself."

by punctuation_ninja


Around the World in 80 Soufflés: Part 4
One was overjoyed upon receiving an invitation from Jhuidah to have lunch at The Cooking Pot...

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Celandine: Part One
"To help you find your way," he said simply and walked back to the Mystery Island Training School. Lanshar looked down. It was a Golden Compass.

by yampuff


In Perfect Harmony: Part Three
"I never liked performing; honestly, I try to avoid it. So why enter a contest that gives you a chance to perform?"

by cheeseworld101

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