The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 175,033,999 Issue: 413 | 9th day of Collecting, Y11
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Feathers & Scales

by adsers

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Say What?: Turm-ination part 3 of 3
Wake up! Wake up!

by deleted_milk


Stranded!: Part One
It all started when the Neopian Lottery's jackpot shot up to an amazing sum of twenty million neopoints...

Also by brookeppg

by matilda_39


The Traitor: Part Five
"Well, what do you want me to do?" the Krawk demanded in exasperation. "Do you really want to gamble with dear little Lisha's life?"

by jokerhahaazzz


The Soup Kitchen
Anyone in the mood for some omelette?

by _rrbutton_

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