teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 175,033,999 Issue: 413 | 9th day of Collecting, Y11
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Prince Of Fools: The Haggle Master

by moonlightfear

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Appreciating Autumn: It won't be a disappointment!
This guide will help you and your Neopet find something exciting, energising or maybe just perfectly relaxing to do this Autumn.

by nerdytiger


Folds, A Shenkuu Legend
The task, year after year, was to fold one hundred paper Quintilcs and display them in the courtyard of the Lunar Temple.

by dragon10044


White Coat
What goes around comes around...

by blaumann


Cheese; At the beach.
Can't... leave... yet... I'm still... waiting...

by rekkuuzan

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