teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 181,710,584 Issue: 415 | 23rd day of Collecting, Y11
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Week - 415

Meerca Chase
by besweethere
Description: How to play Meerca Chase

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Oddities: The New Job
Things change.

by neo527539


Getting the Most Out of The Shop Wizard
The Shop Wizard is widely used and often under appreciated.

by saphireblue3


13 Halloween Avatars
Thirteen must-have avatars just for Halloween!

by yampuff


Scars: Loyalty
"Yes, Gorix and Parlax were high-level agents. Yes, they took dangerous missions and accomplished them. But when Parlax gained his scar, it was completely intentional..."

by kittengriffin


Battle Potatoes: The Shadow Usul
Talk about a drama queen...

by ivie_outrage

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