Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 181,710,584 Issue: 415 | 23rd day of Collecting, Y11
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We found the following 14 result(s) for the keyword jenlin_25

Week - 306

16 Dos and Don'ts at a Tea Party
by jenlin_25
Description: If you get to the tea party early, sit down and wait. Don't, I repeat, don't start shoveling food into your mouth!

Week - 328

Guide to Slumber Party Survival
by jenlin_25
Description: You will learn how to avoid sticky situations and, well, basically how to survive a slumber party...

Week - 340

The Island Bake-A-Thon
by jenlin_25
Description: "But seriously, Maraqua, the Island Bake-A-Thon is two days away. It's not like you should start worrying forty-eight hours ahead of time... "

Week - 360

The Kacheek Club: Science Fair Showdown
by jenlin_25
Description: "Ummm, Mr. Noakes? Will we be able to choose our science fair partners?"

Week - 361

The Kacheek Club: The Haunted Teahouse
by jenlin_25
Description: "Look at this!" Xana held up a red brochure with gold trim that was entitled Shenkuu Sights. "It has all sorts of interesting places that we can visit."

Week - 363

The Kacheek Club: Gretta's Revenge - Part One
by jenlin_25
Description: Suddenly it clicked in her mind. "Oh... uhhh... You see, I think there's been a sort of misunderstanding..." She gulped nervously.

Week - 364

The Kacheek Club: Gretta's Revenge - Part Two
by jenlin_25
Description: "Ugh, we've been in here for six hours already," complained Bridgette.

Week - 372

The Kacheek Club: Day of Giving Edition - Part One
by jenlin_25
Description: "Is anyone, uh, kinda nervous about the Happy Holidays project?" Bridgette the Faerie Kacheek asked.

Week - 373

The Kacheek Club: Day of Giving Edition - Part Two
by jenlin_25
Description: "Add a slice of carrot, don't forget the tomato! Toss a dash of pepper to it, then finish off with a potatooo!" Sarina sang at the top of her lungs.

Week - 381

The Kacheek Club: All Because of a Petpetpet Problem
by jenlin_25
Description: "Guess what? My mom and dad gave me a Rainblug farm yesterday," Sarina the Cloud Kacheek told her friends as they walked home from Neoschool.

Week - 395

The Kacheek Club: The Petpet Whisperer
by jenlin_25
Description: "Thanks again for volunteering to take care of my petpets while I'm gone, guys," Olive the Brown Xweetok thanked the Kacheek Club as her parents loaded their suitcases...

Week - 404

The Kacheek Club: A Sabotage Story
by jenlin_25
Description: "The yearly benefit is an effective way to raise money for the Pound. Instead of doing the usual walk-a-thon, I've decided to mix up the rules a bit."

Week - 405

The Kacheek Club: Of Popstars and Coffee Cups
by jenlin_25
Description: "I wonder what Xana's been up to these days," said Bridgette, tearing an advertisement for Raspberry Usuki Gumballs out of her magazine.

Week - 415

The Halloween Hoax: Part One
by jenlin_25
Description: "I told Tiffany that we could hold the party at our Neohome this year!" Dandelion announced, grinning from ear to ear.

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