teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 176,895,792 Issue: 423 | 18th day of Celebrating, Y11
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We found the following 6 result(s) for the keyword augiboo7

Week - 316

Inside the Cooking Pot
by augiboo7
Description: Pango Pango isn't going to be very happy about this...

Week - 343

Don't Ask
by augiboo7
Description: That rock has a way with words...

Week - 389

Don't Ask
by augiboo7
Description: Tra la la!

Week - 421

Just One Thing: Part One
by augiboo7
Description: I asked her why she was excited. Kai set her mug down and told me and Daphne about the Winter Site Theme and then asked us if we could find out how she could get it.

Also by kittykatluver4ever

Week - 422

Just One Thing: Part Two
by augiboo7
Description: Jerome was sick, and quite frankly, I was tired of it. I knew he had the NeoBlues and everything, but did he have to act like such a grouch?

Also by kittykatluver4ever

Week - 423

Just One Thing: Part Three
by augiboo7
Description: I cannot begin to describe my joy at hearing Kai's most recent news: Mr. Chipper had slipped on a patch of ice...

Also by kittykatluver4ever

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Neoventures Christmas '09 Edition
Whoops... maybe you should check the packaging next time!

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Farside Leader: Part Three
"Farside Three!" The Commander was standing behind Geena, glaring at me. "Do you not have any sense?"

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That's the Way the Cookie Crumbles: Holiday Special
Now with -50% more profound sayings!

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Christmas Hoopla

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