White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 176,895,792 Issue: 423 | 18th day of Celebrating, Y11
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Neoventures Christmas '09 Edition

by guardianpinkneko

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Surviving the Snow: A Neopian's Guide to Winter
If you want to enjoy yourself this season without having to deal with hypothermia, read on!

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Last Minute
Someone remind me again why we come to this sad little pile of snow...

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The Seraphic Legion: Gelicia's Spring
Standing proud at the gate to the Faerie Palace was a lone Christmas Wocky, clad in robes of an icy blue that suited the frigid atmosphere, watching the late shoppers...

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Brightvale History: The Two Kings - Part Nine
She smiled, looking oddly serene despite her tangled hair and dirt smeared dress. She took the offered parchment and pencil, and after a moment of thought, began to write.

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