Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 176,968,344 Issue: 424 | 31st day of Celebrating, Y11
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The World of Neopia

by seahorsepond

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The Wise Whoot: Guardian of the Elements - Part Five
Lethe shrugged. "I'm not sure what your purpose in life is, Blaze. No one really knows except for you."

by bluehamster9981


A Squire's Dream Come True
JuunPyu drew his sword and began practicing...

by elegantmellbell


AWESOME Sauce ~ Why Meepits ALWAYS win!
They aren't as skilled as they look.

Also by the wonderful waterglide

by picklecheesepie


Just the Bunch of Us
For a long time, it was just the three of us: Atta, Mars, and me, Batty the Korbat.

by little_miss_scare_al

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