Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 176,968,344 Issue: 424 | 31st day of Celebrating, Y11
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In the Name of Science

by lombre

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And Now... The Adventures of SquidWizard
Don't ask him for extra bait. Ever.

by potatofox


The Tuskaninny: Love or Hate?
Can you resist their puppy eyes? Or does their harassing of Mr. Chipper put you off?

by gelertmad


New Priorities
The plushie Draik sighed grumpily, feeling very put-upon indeed. "No. I don't want any of those ugly things."

by kingskid999


Are You Extreme Enough? A Guide to Extreme Herder 2!
As a petpet herder, you are bound to come across obstacles and enemies, but you will find a few helpful power-ups along the way as well!

by facetiousmind

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