Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 188,131,375 Issue: 425 | 8th day of Sleeping, Y12
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We found the following 28 result(s) for the keyword majikel

Week - 367

Sound of the Ocean
by majikel
Description: "The ocean," I breathed out in a whisper, entranced just by the thought of it.

Week - 368

Finding Frieda
by majikel
Description: The day Piper moved to Mystery Island was one of the worst days of my life.

Week - 370

Plushie Island: Part One
by majikel
Description: At the Plushie Palace, we don't have names. I'd never even heard of a "name" before, until Ginger came.

Week - 371

Plushie Island: Part Two
by majikel
Description: Everyone groaned, including me. What possibly could have gone wrong with our perfect plans?

Week - 372

Plushie Island: Part Three
by majikel
Description: "Look!" several plushies shrieked, pointing and causing the makeshift boat to tilt back and forth to the sides. "There's the island!"

Week - 373

I Wasn't Spying
by majikel
Description: That's when her sister, Alyett, a yellow Eyrie, walked in. "You got a sundae?" she asked in disbelief. "Did you get me one?"

Week - 388

So Not Fair!: Part One
by majikel
Description: "But Eryn!" she wailed. "I'm tired of being brown! I've been brown since, like... forever!"

Week - 389

So Not Fair!: Part Two
by majikel
Description: Before Ami could say a word, Minty jumped right in. "Of course we can! We can train him to sit in only one hour, can't we, Ami?"

Week - 391

A Trip to Remember: Part One
by majikel
Description: "Let's at least go find our hotel and thaw out. We're here for another whole day, remember?"

Week - 392

A Trip to Remember: Part Two
by majikel
Description: "Wake up, Dellayn!" Shei yelled in the Gelert's ear. "It's morning, the blizzard has passed, the sun is shining, and the snow is fresh! Get UP!"

Week - 393

A Trip to Remember: Part Three
by majikel
Description: "It had to rain on my first trip to Mystery Island," Dellayn said miserably.

Week - 394

A Trip to Remember: Part Four
by majikel
Description: "Wake up, sleepyhead! We're on Mystery Island – and it's sunny outside!"

Week - 395

A Trip to Remember: Part Five
by majikel
Description: Shei quickly grabbed the Gelert's scarf and pulled her back before she toppled overboard. "Don't fall!" she warned, giggling.

Week - 399

The Adventures of Lucy: Part One
by majikel
Description: The AstroVilla hotel, part of the NeoLodge, is pretty much my second home. I've stayed here so many times that I stopped counting...

Week - 400

The Adventures of Lucy: Part Two
by majikel
Description: I spent two hours at the pool, lounging around, hoping for another baby pet to show up. But none did! I couldn't be the only one in the entire hotel, could I?

Week - 401

The Adventures of Lucy: Part Three
by majikel
Description: "This is Geneva. We just met her while we were waiting for you. She checked in a little bit ago."

Week - 402

The Adventures of Lucy: Part Four
by majikel
Description: "Goodbye, Hannah," I said quietly, giving her a sincere hug. "You'll write me, won't you?"

Week - 409

Let's Make Soup
by majikel
Description: "Let's just grab some stuff that sounds like it would go in a soup. Then we'll put it in a bowl and make it warm."

Week - 415

The Possibilities are Endless: Part One
by majikel
Description: In less than an hour, hungry Neopets would begin lining up at the door of the Soup Faerie's cottage. I ran from the Marketplace...

Week - 416

The Possibilities are Endless: Part Two
by majikel
Description: "I've never heard of anyone working for the Soup Faerie before," Minnie said.

Week - 417

The Possibilities are Endless: Part Three
by majikel
Description: "Oh, isn't she darling!" the Soup Faerie exclaimed, looking down at the Yullie with large, eager eyes. "I just love petpets."

Week - 418

The Possibilities are Endless: Part Four
by majikel
Description: The faerie turned around, and she raised her eyebrows when she saw me. "How's the little Yullie?" she asked in a calm voice.

Week - 420

Difficulties: Part One
by majikel
Description: I didn't care about being a different color. I wanted to be a graceful Flotsam living in the underwater world of Maraqua...

Week - 421

Difficulties: Part Two
by majikel
Description: "This will be your new home until you're adopted. If you're adopted, that is."

Week - 422

Difficulties: Part Three
by majikel
Description: "I see you've found a new owner, Lela," Rose said to me, her smile bright.

Week - 423

Difficulties: Part Four
by majikel
Description: "Oh my goodness! I am so sorry!" a yellow Cybunny yelped as our heads cracked into each other. We both fell backwards...

Week - 424

Difficulties: Part Five
by majikel
Description: As soon as I stepped inside, my owner came bursting out of the kitchen. "Oh, Lela, you're home! You won't believe the news I have for you!"

Week - 425

Difficulties: Part Six
by majikel
Description: Why, this is easy, I realized. I guess it wasn't necessary to read all of those "learning to swim" books. It comes naturally for Flotsams!

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