White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 177,520,932 Issue: 428 | 29th day of Sleeping, Y12
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword selenial

Week - 415

Markove's Interview With Eliv Thade
by selenial
Description: I had to dust and vacuum the library looking for his "Shield of Pion Troect," which is ancient Maraquan for "over-sized bookmark."

Week - 428

Lani and the Beast: Part One
by selenial
Description: "I still can't believe that they delivered our stuff and just left it on the lawn! Either Mystery Island is even more backwards than I'd thought, or we chose the wrong moving company."

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Avalon and the Emerald Noil Gem: The Onyx Isle - Part Two
"We can't trust him," Ash said flatly.

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Something Smells Fishie
Maybe it just sounds smarter coming from Bennett?

by luckyfishie


The Origin of The Discarded Magical Blue Grundo Plushie
One day, Celeste asked her owner for a plushie that no one else had yet. "One that needs to be invented before I can have it!" she demanded.

by splitxpersonalities


Lani and the Beast: Part One
"I still can't believe that they delivered our stuff and just left it on the lawn! Either Mystery Island is even more backwards than I'd thought, or we chose the wrong moving company."

by selenial


Wobbly Food Thoughts From a Wobbly Mind
The other day I ate a Jhudora Jelly. Before bedtime. The item description tells us this jelly is NOT toxic but made out of just lime. So I ate my perfectly harmless, before bedtime snack and settled down into dreamland.

by rck2002

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