Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 177,520,932 Issue: 428 | 29th day of Sleeping, Y12
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Lemon Squeezy

by snowkiwi

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Forgotten by Time
All I remember was the sound that my empty canteen made as it banged against my hip with every step, a constant reminder of my thirst.

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What Went Wrong: The Tale of a Scaredy Kacheek
"He has to be big, he has to be tough!" the Mad Scientist said aloud to himself...

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Lani and the Beast: Part One
"I still can't believe that they delivered our stuff and just left it on the lawn! Either Mystery Island is even more backwards than I'd thought, or we chose the wrong moving company."

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The Prophecy Faeries: Part Two
"By the way," Clarisse whispered as she walked past Bernadette, "I wasn't reading your thoughts, just watching your memories."

by alex313

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