Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 177,649,478 Issue: 429 | 5th day of Awakening, Y12
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We found the following 7 result(s) for the keyword blackghoulmon

Week - 371

Unis Don't Dig Holes
by blackghoulmon
Description: The assumption about Unis is that they hate getting dirty. I, on the other hand, love making a mess.

Week - 400

Actions and Words
by blackghoulmon
Description: This part of my story began in the Pound, just like many other Neopets.

Week - 403

Escape from the Pirate Caves
by blackghoulmon
Description: I still remember what they said when they first captured me.

Week - 409

Ummagine Tea
by blackghoulmon
Description: The best way to get Ummagines is to go find them ourselves. As we probably all know, Ummagines grow deep underground.

Week - 415

A Uni Bedtime Story
by blackghoulmon
Description: A very long time ago, there was a young royal girl Uni...

Week - 422

Into the Storm
by blackghoulmon
Description: There were black clouds stretched from one horizon to the other, right in our flight path. We were flying right towards a thunderstorm!

Week - 429

The Uni and the Lupe
by blackghoulmon
Description: The familiar howling of a baby Lupe cut through the silence of the Lost Desert.

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