A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 177,649,478 Issue: 429 | 5th day of Awakening, Y12
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We found the following 12 result(s) for the keyword stingjc

Week - 340

The Great Neopian Faerie Race
by stingjc
Description: A race to the finish across the whole land of Neopia!

Week - 342

I Don't Want to Be a Pirate: Part One
by stingjc
Description: "Let me get this straight. You came all the way to the employment agency today, waited in line for at least half an hour, actually came up to see me at this desk, and you didn't once consider what type of job you were actually interested in?"

Week - 343

I Don't Want to Be a Pirate: Part Two
by stingjc
Description: "Did you hear me, boy? Get your tail in that kitchen and start making me crew some grub. Now!" The Krawk captain was losing his temper fast...

Week - 344

I Don't Want to Be a Pirate: Part Three
by stingjc
Description: Captain Bloodscar kept his finger pointed at Gerald, and the pirate crew collectively stood from their seats. Gerald closed his eyes in fear...

Week - 345

I Don't Want to Be a Pirate: Part Four
by stingjc
Description: Listening to the chattering of the crew, he learned that Captain Bloodscar was still on deck, steering the ship ever closer to Maraqua...

Week - 346

I Don't Want to Be a Pirate: Part Five
by stingjc
Description: As the final members of the crew assembled, fully dressed in their wetsuits, Captain Bloodscar raised his hand for silence...

Week - 347

I Don't Want to Be a Pirate: Part Six
by stingjc
Description: A blade pierced the sand in front of him, and he jumped back so as not to get cut. The Maraquans had finally noticed him...

Week - 425

The Puzzling Voyage to Geraptiku: Part One
by stingjc
Description: Scrap awoke to the gentle swaying of the pirate ship he had hidden aboard.

Week - 426

The Puzzling Voyage to Geraptiku: Part Two
by stingjc
Description: He turned his head slowly and saw the pirate ship on its side in the water about a mile from shore. "It's an absolute wreck," she said in a sad voice.

Week - 427

The Puzzling Voyage to Geraptiku: Part Three
by stingjc
Description: Scrap stared at the professor as if the Lenny had gone quite mad. How was he supposed to figure out some archaic puzzle?

Week - 428

The Puzzling Voyage to Geraptiku: Part Four
by stingjc
Description: "Arrrggghhh!!!" screamed Captain Sam as she looked around at the empty treasure room the group had fallen asleep in. Every gold doubloon, every jewel-encrusted weapon or shield was gone.

Week - 429

The Puzzling Voyage to Geraptiku: Part Five
by stingjc
Description: The village had been empty of any living creature. The same could be said this time, but instead of being barren, the village was filled with ghost Techos...

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