Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 178,232,619 Issue: 432 | 26th day of Awakening, Y12
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We found the following 7 result(s) for the keyword charybdis7

Week - 411

Battle Tactics
by charybdis7
Description: Ogrin stench?

Week - 413

Smooshing Egos
by charybdis7
Description: "Beat THAT!"

Week - 419

Air Faerie Woes
by charybdis7
Description: But he needed it more!

Week - 422

Defenders of a Feather
by charybdis7
Description: Every new Superhero Team has their problems...

Week - 430

The Secret Society of Lennies
by charybdis7
Description: Other species don't have to deal with this much trouble on THEIR pet days...

Week - 431

Species Rivalries
by charybdis7
Description: "Are Lennys clever? Noooooo!!!! Aishas are much smarter!!!"

Week - 432

Instability Among Defenders
by charybdis7
Description: There'd be no mistaking him for a superhero today.

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