A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 178,232,619 Issue: 432 | 26th day of Awakening, Y12
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword jessijenni

Week - 394

It's Not Easy Being Queen
by jessijenni
Description: Or is it...?

Week - 423

Christmas Countdown
by jessijenni
Description: So people don't have it that easy.

Week - 432

by jessijenni
Description: ...?

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Cliche? Touche!
Is it just me or...?

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10 Books Under 10k
In a world of dazzling customization options, sparkling trinkets, and gorgeous pets with the IQ of an ummagine, I'd like to propose something radically different.

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Instability Among Defenders
There'd be no mistaking him for a superhero today.

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Awakening: Part Four
A muffled thump drew Jhudora from her thoughts. She glanced at the door, annoyed.

by linda_reincarnated


The Metal Box of DOOM!
I was once trapped in my owner's SDB.

by 7splat52

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