Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 181,174,633 Issue: 433 | 5th day of Running, Y12
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We found the following 7 result(s) for the keyword selenial

Week - 415

Markove's Interview With Eliv Thade
by selenial
Description: I had to dust and vacuum the library looking for his "Shield of Pion Troect," which is ancient Maraquan for "over-sized bookmark."

Week - 428

Lani and the Beast: Part One
by selenial
Description: "I still can't believe that they delivered our stuff and just left it on the lawn! Either Mystery Island is even more backwards than I'd thought, or we chose the wrong moving company."

Week - 429

Lani and the Beast: Part Two
by selenial
Description: Lani slowly slipped out of bed, so as not to wake Minnie, and walked over to the window. The back yard didn't seem scary at all in the dazzling morning light...

Week - 430

Lani and the Beast: Part Three
by selenial
Description: Lani kept the garden in perfect order, and she did the same for her tools. She was a benevolent queen...

Week - 431

Lani and the Beast: Part Four
by selenial
Description: Hidden by the shadows at the edge of the garden, something watched Lani pull down her shades.

Week - 432

Lani and the Beast: Part Five
by selenial
Description: Quavering, Lani crouched down and shuffled backwards until she was back in the safe veil of the jungle.

Week - 433

Lani and the Beast: Part Six
by selenial
Description: "Shorry," the mutant Xweetok responded, ducking its head a little, "for shcaring you."

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