The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 180,843,697 Issue: 434 | 12th day of Running, Y12
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword spottedstorm_

Week - 434

Short End of the Stick
by spottedstorm_
Description: I got it way worse, dude...

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Show Those Evil Robots Who's Boss
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Star in a Lantern: Part Two
Today, Rose, the kindly pink Uni who works in the Pound, came up to me. "Somebody's interested in adopting you," she said...

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Jealous? Or Not
The basket was placed on the chair. An ear poked out of it. And then a tiny head. It yawned, showing tiny teeth. The baby Lupe turned large, luminous eyes on Jatalle...

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No Sugar
You can have an apple.

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Werelupes: The Pros and Cons of Ownership
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