Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 179,094,997 Issue: 438 | 9th day of Eating, Y12
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword water_glass

Week - 318

Petpet Protection League? What Protection?
by water_glass
Description: For starters, we have Feed Florg. At the start of the game, we meet a hungry mutant Chia...

Week - 322

Not the Same
by water_glass
Description: Remember, every story has two sides...

Week - 371

Misconceptions About Miss Jhudora
by water_glass
Description: Jhudora is the greatest faerie of them all (And I say that in complete and total honesty...)

Week - 437

To the Infamous, We Salute You: Part One
by water_glass
Description: Mrs. Sleet snatched up Tally’s paper from her desk. Aside from the miniscule amount of writing on it, it was completely covered in doodles. Doodles of Acaras...

Week - 438

To the Infamous, We Salute You: Part Two
by water_glass
Description: "Leave these poor Neopets alone, you cruel, evil witch!" An enraged light faerie turned to Tally and her eyes softened. "I'm really sorry if the big, mean dark faerie scared you."

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The Big Red Button: Sloth's Latest Takeover
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Aisha Trouble
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The Cure (Tongue Shrinker)
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Rolling Your Way to Victory: Ready To Roll Guide
Our Yooyus are not as fit as they used to be. I bet they can't roll faster than a Slorg can swim. We need them to be fit and strong for this year's Altador Cup.

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Never Give Up
I have always dreamed of winning a trophy, or even getting on the High Scores list...

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