Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 179,112,207 Issue: 439 | 16th day of Eating, Y12
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword kieronstoff

Week - 432

The Economics of Daily Dare Prizes and Beyond
by kieronstoff
Description: The Neopets economy is more violently fluid than you would expect from a game.

Week - 434

ETS vs HTS, When Economics is Fooled
by kieronstoff
Description: How often does one see an item so rare it gets snapped up instantly?

Week - 439

Economics of Collecting Retired Items, Complex Fun
by kieronstoff
Description: The vast and interesting world of RETIRED ITEMS!

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You can if you want. But you shouldn't.

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Action Air Tales: Privateer's Bane!
"You have been selected as one of the premier freelance aces to undertake a confidential mission to protect a classified cargo..."

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Codestones are Heavy
Three what?

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Food for All - Dish #4
*ho hum*

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