Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 179,399,125 Issue: 441 | 30th day of Eating, Y12
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword jewelyanna

Week - 441

Fired Up
by jewelyanna
Description: Can you really take the heat?

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Very Punny
A good pun works well in any situation. And a bad pun, well...

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Jhudora's Revenge: Part Five
"But your majesties, I fear that the Aisha is in grave danger!"

by ewagon


The Taste of Chocolate
His father had made perfectly clear his opinion on chocolate.

"Useless," he said.

by grits_x


He's not the smartest baby.

by geckobubbles


Fired Up
Can you really take the heat?

by jewelyanna

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