Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 179,641,502 Issue: 444 | 21st day of Hunting, Y12
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We found the following 6 result(s) for the keyword elly042

Week - 386

From Dung to Morphing Potion, a Trading Game
by elly042
Description: They would accept or reject my offer based on whether they wanted it or not – I was not going to communicate with the sellers at all.

Week - 419

The Perfect Colour
by elly042
Description: "Hello!" came a friendly greeting from behind her. Surprised, she turned around. There was no-one there...

Week - 430

Zap-and-Pounding - Does It Work?
by elly042
Description: I decided to perform a quick study to see what happens to pounded pets.

Week - 434

Jealous? Or Not
by elly042
Description: The basket was placed on the chair. An ear poked out of it. And then a tiny head. It yawned, showing tiny teeth. The baby Lupe turned large, luminous eyes on Jatalle...

Week - 443

Terror Mountain - in Trouble!: Part One
by elly042
Description: Jatalle awoke with a squeal as a drop of icy water splashed onto her face.

Week - 444

Terror Mountain - in Trouble!: Part Two
by elly042
Description: They followed the stream of water running down the peak. Eventually it leveled out and Jatalle spotted a cave...

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Labbed to Perfection: A Pet's Struggle to Confidence
"It's strange, but I didn't have a problem with it," Xirroer mused during an interview.

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