Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 180,126,803 Issue: 447 | 11th day of Relaxing, Y12
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword jshark105

Week - 296

So You Want an Electric Pet?
by jshark105
Description: Not that I'm saying having an Electric pet is a bad thing. They can be quite... exciting... at times.

Week - 300

So You Want a Ghost Pet?
by jshark105
Description: Doing what any sane pet or person would do, you scream like a headless Peadackle, flap your arms wildly, and leap into the relative safety of your pet's arms...

Week - 306

So You Want a Robot Pet?
by jshark105
Description: Your pet isn't all fluffy and cuddly anymore. Now he or she is a living metal pet that will depend on you for care.

Week - 447

So You Want a Jelly Pet?
by jshark105
Description: Now that you've been told you're not crazy, time to learn what you have seen. You have just witnessed what is commonly referred to as... *drum roll* A JELLY PET!

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The Terror Mountain Survival Guide
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The Adventure Before Dinner: Part Three
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