teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 190,868,778 Issue: 448 | 18th day of Relaxing, Y12
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We found the following 14 result(s) for the keyword d_morton

Week - 168

The Scientist's Mutants
by d_morton
Description: He was the next target for the scientist upstairs. The fortress was now full of mutants because of him, and now he wanted to change this poor Ruki into one too. It was a truly fearful thought.

Week - 388

Of Mutants and Meepits: Part One
by d_morton
Description: 'If she is there, we will find her,' he said, finally answering Quentin's question. 'Let's go ask around.'

Week - 389

Of Mutants and Meepits: Part Two
by d_morton
Description: "Could an idiot achieve what I have? I am now on the very brink of transforming all of Neopia into mutants, completely under my authority. You showed me before where the flaw lay in my old scheme: it was too slow!"

Week - 390

Of Mutants and Meepits: Part Three
by d_morton
Description: On the frozen platform around the structure were hundreds of Meepits, but to Leban's immense relief they had not noticed him...

Week - 400

The Magician Cometh
by d_morton
Description: 'Do forgive me if I sound a touch rude,' she added, drawing a long breath of the majestic fragrance of the rose, 'but just who are you? How did you get into my home?'

Week - 410

The Seraphic Legion: Foundation
by d_morton
Description: Gilbert just leaned on his pitchfork and gazed out into the night. There was nothing here. It must have been the gentle breeze he heard...

Week - 419

Obsession: Part One
by d_morton
Description: 'All this desolation in our lands cannot be natural. Something else has been causing this, and all we need do is find it and reverse the effects...'

Week - 420

Obsession: Part Two
by d_morton
Description: It had taken him years to finally begin to carve a picture of them in his mind, slowly transferring it to canvas in a corner of the study, a monochrome image of three grim individuals...

Week - 423

The Seraphic Legion: Gelicia's Spring
by d_morton
Description: Standing proud at the gate to the Faerie Palace was a lone Christmas Wocky, clad in robes of an icy blue that suited the frigid atmosphere, watching the late shoppers...

Week - 433

The Seraphic Legion: From The Darkness
by d_morton
Description: The eternal winter of the Neopian Ice Age had extended into the once grand manor.

Week - 434

Ruki and the Beast
by d_morton
Description: At the very heart of the facility, the great transmogrification ray still stood, skeletal in its ruin...

Week - 446

Ascension: Part One
by d_morton
Description: "The Fyora we all know and love is now going to be just a memory. I cannot believe she will ever be in a state that is truly fit for rule..."

Week - 447

Ascension: Part Two
by d_morton
Description: The mighty Faerie Queen sat hunched in her chair, her beautiful face haggard and drained, her crystal eyes dulled.

Week - 448

Ascension: Part Three
by d_morton
Description: 'Faerie!' someone suddenly cried. Aria felt a rush of immediate distaste for the ungracious hail.

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