Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 180,823,044 Issue: 450 | 2nd day of Swimming, Y12
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We found the following 57 result(s) for the keyword vanessa1357924680

Week - 185

The Crystal Eye Prophecy: Part One
by vanessa1357924680
Description: "...The Crystal decides what will stay and will change."

Week - 186

The Crystal Eye Prophecy: Part Two
by vanessa1357924680
Description: "Listen," she hissed to the faerie. "If you want to die because of your 'friend' the Fire Faerie, so be it! But, if you actually want to live, you may want to help me!"

Week - 225

Roomies: Part One
by vanessa1357924680
Description: Jhudora woke up to the smell of smoke. Jolting from her dream, she noticed that her lair (cloud and all) was being engulfed by giant red flames...

Week - 226

Roomies: Part Two
by vanessa1357924680
Description: She woke up early one morning as Jesc was leaving the dorm to go to class. "Wait!" Jhudora screeched after her. "I'm coming with you."

Week - 227

Roomies: Part Three
by vanessa1357924680
Description: "What do you want?" she said, tired. Her hair was a mess, sticking all over her face, for she had just crawled out of bed...

Week - 266

Roomies 2: Part One
by vanessa1357924680
Description: The sun was shining, the air was warm, a crisp breeze was blowing through her hair; she couldn't ask for anything more. Summer was here and that meant only one thing to the air faerie: summer vacation...

Week - 267

Roomies 2: Part Two
by vanessa1357924680
Description: Jhudora was determined to stay as far away from Jesc as possible. Pretty much this meant telling her to stay out of her way every day. Jesc, however, didn't miss a beat. She still acted as enthusiastic and happy as always, despite staying in a room for the first month with only her plushies for company...

Week - 268

Roomies 2: Part Three
by vanessa1357924680
Description: The yellow Aisha from the Neopian Planning Committee leaned over the counter of the Tombola with a shocked expression on his face upon finding Jhudora and Jesc hidden under the stand. "What are you doing under there?" he asked...

Week - 294

The New Prophecy: Part One
by vanessa1357924680
Description: "Don't you remember?" Fyora asked restlessly, raking her fingers through her long hair. "Two... two seconds ago you said something, a pr-prophecy... and your eyes were weird, glazed and vacant, and, and... I need PAPER!" she suddenly shouted...

Week - 295

The New Prophecy: Part Two
by vanessa1357924680
Description: Jhudora instantly realized her mistake and bit her lip. Fyora's little mind-wiping frenzy was making things much more complicated...

Week - 296

The New Prophecy: Part Three
by vanessa1357924680
Description: "It's not s-so bad," Fyora lied through chattering teeth. As the Queen of Faeries, she was prepared for practically anything, but this was practically a blizzard!

Week - 297

The New Prophecy: Part Four
by vanessa1357924680
Description: After finding a seat (one which a "generous" Uni had given up to her after being threatened to be turned into a pile of soot), Jhudora sat down in the surprisingly comfortable ice chairs...

Week - 298

The New Prophecy: Part Five
by vanessa1357924680
Description: "What about the green eyes, though?" Illusen asked from her frozen spot, still squirming uncomfortably as coldness seeped into her bones...

Week - 330

Our Shopping Trip at the NC Mall
by vanessa1357924680
Description: "Shopping?" Coldfire inquired, an eyebrow raised. "When did you start liking shopping?"

Week - 346

Roomies 3: Part One
by vanessa1357924680
Description: Her destination was a place most Neopians only dreamed of gaining entrance to: Queen Fyora's palace...

Week - 347

Roomies 3: Part Two
by vanessa1357924680
Description: Jesc frowned. She couldn't explain it, but something just didn't feel right...

Week - 348

Roomies 3: Part Three
by vanessa1357924680
Description: Jhudora wasn't listening anymore. Instead, she had scrambled to her feet and was scanning the ceiling for the faint outline of a trapdoor...

Week - 349

Roomies 3: Part Four
by vanessa1357924680
Description: "I'll lead the way. Just please," he added with desperation towards Jesc, "keep the Weewoo away from me. I'm begging you..."

Week - 350

Roomies 3: Part Five
by vanessa1357924680
Description: "Oh no, oh no, this is not good!" Jim muttered under his breath, pacing while the shimmering sun made its way higher into the sky. Faerieland was waking up now...

Week - 351

Roomies 3: Part Six
by vanessa1357924680
Description: "Come on now, the trial's about to start. Get up and no magic tricks."

Week - 352

Roomies 3: Part Seven
by vanessa1357924680
Description: "That's it, Jhudora!" Mrs. Pierce screamed, her eyes wild with madness. "You'll regret those words!"

Week - 359

Misfortune's Comb
by vanessa1357924680
Description: The Royal Peophin made extra careful preparations so that she would be absolutely gorgeous for win number fifty-two...

Week - 364

Pirates, the Sight, and the Sea: Part One
by vanessa1357924680
Description: "Hurry, Mom! I see the ship!" Roselia urged, spotting the grand galleon at the edge of the dock.

Week - 365

Pirates, the Sight, and the Sea: Part Two
by vanessa1357924680
Description: "Please, Mithy! Promise me that you won't get hurt, that... that no matter what you'll come back for me!"

Week - 366

Pirates, the Sight, and the Sea: Part Three
by vanessa1357924680
Description: "If you refuse, then, as I've said before, we have no use for you. But I'm sure the Maraquans will accept you with open arms underwater--Oh wait, I forgot." He smiled at her pleasantly. "You can't breathe under there, can you?"

Week - 367

Pirates, the Sight, and the Sea: Part Four
by vanessa1357924680
Description: Roselia paused in front of him, feeling slight sympathy as she looked at the ragged fur and dim eyes.

Week - 368

Pirates, the Sight, and the Sea: Part Five
by vanessa1357924680
Description: "Hold your arm out more, boy. That sword's not going to do any damage if you refuse to hold it no more than an inch away from your body!"

Week - 369

Pirates, the Sight, and the Sea: Part Six
by vanessa1357924680
Description: Captain Faer cupped the gold rings in his giant hands, the jewels glinting in the flickering lantern light in his cabin...

Week - 370

Pirates, the Sight, and the Sea: Part Seven
by vanessa1357924680
Description: "Captain!" Roselia exclaimed quickly, jerking around to face him, her eyes wide. She hadn't expected him to be up so early...

Week - 371

Pirates, the Sight, and the Sea: Part Eight
by vanessa1357924680
Description: The pirate Gnorbu stared at the oncoming vessel, his grey eyes focused on the skull and crossbones flag it flew.

Week - 373

Pirates, the Sight, and the Sea - Part Nine
by vanessa1357924680
Description: Mithy caught up with his sister just as the amulet slipped out of her grasp and disappeared into the depths of the ocean.

Week - 374

Pirates, the Sight, and the Sea: Part Ten
by vanessa1357924680
Description: Emerging into the sunlight of the upper deck, Roselia had prepared herself to see chaos and unrestrained bedlam. But instead...

Week - 372

The Author's Gift
by vanessa1357924680
Description: "Aww. The poor old man." Trey's mom frowned, spooning out clumps of dough onto a baking sheet. "All alone on the Day of Giving? That just isn't right."

Week - 378

101 Ways to Speak Evilly: Jhudora's Top 3 Excerpts
by vanessa1357924680
Description: Jhudora bought—well, er... stole—a copy of this book a couple months ago, and sent us a heartfelt review...

Week - 393

Roomies 4: Part One
by vanessa1357924680
Description: Jesc frowned, slipping her stuff into her school bag. Mrs. Pierce had tormented her back when she was a teacher...

Week - 394

Roomies 4: Part Two
by vanessa1357924680
Description: Jhudora shot her a look. "First of all, never call me 'Jhudy' ever again."

Week - 395

Roomies 4: Part Three
by vanessa1357924680
Description: A second later, a wooden door had appeared as if it had always been there along with a brass knob and plaque that read "Faculty Room."

Week - 396

Roomies 4: Part Four
by vanessa1357924680
Description: "You're afraid of taking this Remember-whatever potion, aren't you?"

Week - 397

Roomies 4: Part Five
by vanessa1357924680
Description: The Academy halls were packed with hundreds of faeries. Many of them were strolling by in giggling groups, while the newbies desperately scanned the crowds...

Week - 398

Roomies 4: Part Six
by vanessa1357924680
Description: "Wake up soon, Jesc," Jhudora mumbled, massaging her head with her fingers. "I don't know how much more of this I can take."

Week - 399

Roomies 4: Part Seven
by vanessa1357924680
Description: Jhudora whipped out her wand. "Come on, Illusen," she said, nudging the sobbing earth faerie at her side. "We have to get out."

Week - 400

Roomies 4: Part Eight
by vanessa1357924680
Description: Illusen, meanwhile, didn’t seem to be taking the hit too hard. The earth faerie had easily rebounded out of spite, joining up with a group of new friends.

Week - 401

Roomies 4: Part Nine
by vanessa1357924680
Description: "Isn't this one so pretty?" Jhudora smiled dreamily, gesturing to the Faerieland model. "It's such a pretty little house..."

Week - 402

Roomies 4: Part Ten
by vanessa1357924680
Description: "Jesc, if you go out there, you'll be destroyed!" Jhudora shouted.

Week - 403

Roomies 4: Part Eleven
by vanessa1357924680
Description: "That was some fall you took."

Jesc turned her head slowly to her left, blood rushing painfully as she spotted the faerie seated at her bedside: Queen Fyora.

Week - 407

In Other Words: Part One
by vanessa1357924680
Description: "Awesome show, guys!" Sed exclaimed as the three band members strolled down the dark Altador streets.

Week - 408

In Other Words: Part Two
by vanessa1357924680
Description: "You better hurry up and pack. We're leaving here in about an hour for the Haunted Woods."

Week - 409

In Other Words: Part Three
by vanessa1357924680
Description: "All the greats played here before becoming totally famous. Isn't it awesome?"

Week - 410

In Other Words: Part Four
by vanessa1357924680
Description: Chai's face stretched into a tired smile. "Hey guys, what's up?"

Week - 429

Magic, Cake, and Wind Chimes
by vanessa1357924680
Description: Tourists, she thought to herself with a shiver, glaring at a Kacheek who was oohing and ahhing at the gloomy interior that she had spent years to perfect.

Week - 437

Magic and Mustaches
by vanessa1357924680
Description: "This will be the last time he tries to take over my company with his snazzy Neohomes 2.0!"

With his last exclamation, the drop fell into the bubbling potion. The brew turned bright orange--

Week - 444

Princess Bones: Part One
by vanessa1357924680
Description: Rain came down heavily on the small town of Middleway. The nearby farms of Meridell had wanted a good downpour for months...

Week - 445

Princess Bones: Part Two
by vanessa1357924680
Description: Rina rushed into her history class the next day, letting out a huge sigh of relief when she saw that her teacher wasn't there yet.

Week - 446

Princess Bones: Part Three
by vanessa1357924680
Description: What he had said had to be impossible... and yet it made perfect sense.

Week - 447

Princess Bones: Part Four
by vanessa1357924680
Description: "Sometimes you can't trust anyone, Rina."

Week - 448

Princess Bones: Part Five
by vanessa1357924680
Description: "A secret passage," Saya said simply. "There are tons throughout the castle. They were built to keep the royal family safe in case of an attack."

Week - 450

Princess Bones: Part Seven
by vanessa1357924680
Description: Drawing had always been a personal activity, one she liked to do in the safety of her room, or alone outside under a tree in her front yard. But now she was being watched intently, scrutinized from every angle.

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