Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 181,176,258 Issue: 453 | 23rd day of Swimming, Y12
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword amb403

Week - 408

The Bruce and the Ghost
by amb403
Description: It was an unlikely place for his small lab to be set up, but he was an unlikely scientist...

Week - 451

The Enigma of Friendship: Part One
by amb403
Description: Almost anyone could tell you that playing in the Haunted Woods was a risky endeavour if you had little idea of what areas were safe to roam...

Week - 452

The Enigma of Friendship: Part Two
by amb403
Description: "Owh radse?" he repeated, glowering deeply at the young Lenny...

Week - 453

The Enigma of Friendship: Part Three
by amb403
Description: "Lamc nowd." Despite the instruction to relax, the young red Lenny found himself tensing up more.

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There she stood, in the middle of Uni's Clothing wearing what could only be described as an oversized floral muumuu, making her way out the door without even a garment in her hand to cover up that insane ensemble.

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"I say, could someone sweep this dratted dust off of me! I would do it myself, but I can't quite reach," said a voice that sounded strangely like a box of nails being rattled.

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