Week - 170
One December Evening... by taipeiss |
Description: Without noticing the change, they had darted through another
thick layering of trees and over a bare, snowy landscape, soon speeding through
yet more rows of trees... |
Week - 200
Lucky Two Hundred by taipeiss |
Description: She fluttered her leathery
black wings, and then glanced back at the calendar before breaking into a grin.
"Krawk Island with Jay" was penned for the day in dark green ink... |
Week - 202
Dear Akira, Dear Rosetta by taipeiss |
Description: I can't wait until you come for a visit! Neopian
Central is really different from Mystery Island, but I'm sure you'll like it...
Also by sensei_fuzzy |
Week - 300
30 Ways to Celebrate 300 by taipeiss |
Description: Throw a parade! Get all of your friends and march up and down the street, playing musical instruments and tossing copies of the Times to the crowd! |
Week - 306
Flight: Part One by taipeiss |
Description: The plushie was odd, to say the least, but something about me loved it... |
Week - 307
Flight: Part Two by taipeiss |
Description: I flashed an unapologetic smile back and removed my raincoat, tossing it over the back of the chair next to me as if I more than belonged here... |
Week - 308
Flight: Part Three by taipeiss |
Description: "Um, hi Mindi. What're you doing here?" My face, I'm sure, wore a look of confusion and interest... |
Week - 311
Unstocked: One Writer's Restocking Ineptitude by taipeiss |
Description: Cursed with the slowest of slow connections (yeah, dial-up still exists), I gave up on the idea... |
Week - 310
No IOUs by taipeiss |
Description: The two strangers smiled, and the Blue Aisha repeated himself. "What we're doing," he said as he handed her a sheet of paper holding the names of a few dozen magazines, "is..." |
Week - 315
Halloween is for Tricksters by taipeiss |
Description: "We don't have to go trespassing on some property out in the middle of nowhere to enjoy the spirit of the night!" |
Week - 323
Kristoff's Wish by taipeiss |
Description: The Cloud Lenny sighed. It was Christmas time again. Many Pets wished and longed and dreamed of being rich for the holiday season, of how happy all the money could make them... |
Week - 324
New Year, New Resolutions by taipeiss |
Description: Lindy was about to compare her list of completed resolutions with Tanya and reveal that she had accomplished... nothing. |
Week - 336
Neoschool: The Space Conundrum by taipeiss |
Description: While educating all of Neopia is a wonderful and noble plan, a question of how all of these Pets will fit into Neoschool rises into the mind. |
Week - 400
Unlucky Issue Four Hundred by taipeiss |
Description: The magazine was the four hundredth issue of "Neopia Fashion Monthly," and it lay open to the page that had just informed Phairix that her long trunk was just not "in." |
Week - 405
The Adventures of Daine - Telescreens and Skating by taipeiss |
Description: "Ten minutes. THIS MANY MINUTES, MOMMY!" The Ixi held up both of her hooves and shook them, totally unaware that she had no fingers. |
Week - 406
The Adventures of Daine - Copier v3.0 by taipeiss |
Description: "Easy peasy," Daine assured her. "Our Grundo homie in there uses these weirdo powers to psychically zap us onto the Space Station. Watch!" |
Week - 454
Keeping Up With the Times by taipeiss |
Description: So here I am, twenty one, with four pets that can't be who they used to be and hanging on to names that make me facepalm. What to do? |
Week - 455
Kitten by taipeiss |
Description: Kitten was a large male Skeith who didn't take flack from anyone. |