Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 181,914,076 Issue: 458 | 27th day of Hiding, Y12
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword xwindswept

Week - 450

The Life of Aye! - 1 - Soup Faerie
by xwindswept
Description: It's a true story.

Week - 458

The Life of Aye! - 2 - Peophins
by xwindswept
Description: I never thought of that.

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Kougras & You
Welcome to my guide to Kougras, the best neopet ever!

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Not So Different After All: Mutant Equality!
For approximately a decade, Mutants have lived among us and worked hard to become respectable, responsible Neopets, despite their physical deformities.

by catastrofiend


Jayjay the Mutant Quiggle
"Hey, three eyes! You're ugly and you look like a monster!"

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The Floating Islanders - Mutants
New thumbnail!!! HOORAY!! And happy Mutant Day as well :D

by yankeesrule244444456


The Sneeze That Turned Me Baby
I gasped, gasped again, and sneezed.

by goodsigns

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