Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 182,181,004 Issue: 461 | 17th day of Gathering, Y12
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We found the following 12 result(s) for the keyword sylviau

Week - 311

27 Reasonable Solutions to Everyday Neopet Problems
by sylviau
Description: Presto, instant results.

Week - 314

Winning the Caption Contest
by sylviau
Description: The captions with the most votes win. You can win from 5000-10,000np, a trophy, and an item...

Week - 319

Where There Are Wheels, There Are Ways
by sylviau
Description: So here's a guide dedicated to help you find out the best, the priciest, and the most absurd wheels ever created!

Week - 374

NeoQuiz: Pound Edition
by sylviau
Description: See what kind of Neopian you are in relation to the pound.

Week - 378

Lennies: They Just Want To Be Loved
by sylviau
Description: They have a vast capacity of intelligence, so in other words, they are SMART!

Week - 390

The Intense Snowickle Guide That You Must Read
by sylviau
Description: How do you care for a Snowickle? I'll start with the basics.

Week - 407

Empathetic Raindrops
by sylviau
Description: He had even refused the petpets that his owner bought him; he didn't want to sadden the poor creatures. He was not fit to take care of anyone.

Week - 420

A New Breed of Heroine
by sylviau
Description: But she was here to prove something. To herself. The rest of Neopia may judge her, but she wasn't doing this for them.

Week - 428

Forgotten by Time
by sylviau
Description: All I remember was the sound that my empty canteen made as it banged against my hip with every step, a constant reminder of my thirst.

Week - 430

Where The Weewoo Fly
by sylviau
Description: "It seems I've got a rainbow weewoo on my hands. How did ya get in there?"

Week - 439

Solitary Epiphany
by sylviau
Description: What was I, but a single speck of dust in a world that expected me to be great, before I could find myself?

Week - 461

Ten Thousand Faeries
by sylviau
Description: "I'll teach you some manners," Hubrid said...

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The Prophecy Faeries 2: Imagen's Revenge - Part Seven
"If one of us could get into the castle," said Victoria, "we could learn more about Imagen's plans, and see if we could even get close enough to him to do something."

by alex313


Food Shop Fun: Exquisite Ambrosia
Exquisite Ambrosia gets a surprise visit from... me!

by lord_of_fantasy


Ten Thousand Faeries
"I'll teach you some manners," Hubrid said...

by sylviau


A Fated Encounter
A chocolate Chia finds her way into the annual Chocolate Con, and hilarity ensues.

by kiwibutter


The Choco Factor
It was for the best, if you think about it.

by jillstreeter

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