The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 182,181,004 Issue: 461 | 17th day of Gathering, Y12
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Floppy Tongue

by kittytoes

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Neopia's Food Stores: Rated and Ranked!
Neopia's greatest chefs and food critics have assembled to take on the ultimate task: tasting the food of and rating every single food store in Neopia.

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Bethie and Taropa
The Cybunny glared. "What do you want, earth faerie?"

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Behind The Scenes: Second-Hand
Does he even have a nose?

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Sylfio's Ice Cream Sodas
"Sylfio," they'll say, "do you think your dairy origins give you a certain affinity for ice cream? And for that matter—how did you become chocolate?"

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