Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 182,181,004 Issue: 461 | 17th day of Gathering, Y12
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Neopets Physics Wonders

by hidden_0_o

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The Trap Within The Chocolate
Chocolate! Lollypops! Gummies! Candy! Jelly! No Neopet can resist the Chocolate Factory...

by inpitchdark


Magmaic Medallion
There was once a small cloud JubJub named Ippleswitch. Every little detail about him was ordinary...

by alanbran5


Magic Vs. Money: Part One
In the dreary dimness of the swamp, a green Ixi woman in patchwork clothes and a pointed, broad-brimmed hat made her way through the trees, paying barely any attention to the mangy meowclops following after her.

by al_bester


Avey's Castle of Hope: Part Three
The Brightvale Pound was quiet that day, with no children piling at the window and laughing or munching on Avey's goodies.

by puppy_girl252

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