Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 182,181,004 Issue: 461 | 17th day of Gathering, Y12
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Spots, Dots and Carrots

by lovisa966

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In the Name of Science
I mean, really, what's next? Stained wood tables?

by lombre


Snazzy-ish: Independence
She IS two years old, you know. :O

by neon_leaf


The Trap Within The Chocolate
Chocolate! Lollypops! Gummies! Candy! Jelly! No Neopet can resist the Chocolate Factory...

by inpitchdark


Rain, Rain, Go Away
The sun shone brightly outside, warming the kitchen of 1423 Neopia Central. The sweet smell of a baking cake drifted through the window...

by yarnandclay

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