There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 182,428,743 Issue: 462 | 24th day of Gathering, Y12
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword foreverh0mes

Week - 462

Charity Accounts in a Nutshell
by foreverh0mes
Description: Most of the time, people will wait to adopt one of the charity pets once they have been zapped a nice color.

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The Conductor
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One Wish
Abigail was afraid of the sea, and, despite the ironic fact that her Neohome was planted directly on the beach, she never set foot on the sand. However, Jane was the exact opposite, and loved the sea, devoting every waking moment by the ocean.

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Coltzan's Shrine
I hope this helps.

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The Secret of Geraptiku: Part Two
"So, you're awake now, little Neopet. What is your name?" The voice was incredibly nice, and I'm not sure why I wasn't scared...

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Magic Vs. Money: Part Two
"Be it ever so humble,' Sophie thought aloud as she came in sight of her shack, 'there's no place like home."

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