The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 184,475,310 Issue: 463 | 1st day of Collecting, Y12
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We found the following 12 result(s) for the keyword alt1981black

Week - 423

I Survived the Magma Pool!
by alt1981black
Description: It all started one day when my siblings and I went down to Moltara.

Week - 424

Remembering Our Ogrin Friends
by alt1981black
Description: A little something special for Ogrin fans to enjoy!

Week - 425

The Top Ten Y11 Advent Calendar Items
by alt1981black
Description: Let's count down the Top 10 Advent Calendar items from Y11!

Week - 426

A Guide to Mutant Pets
by alt1981black
Description: How did mutant pets ever come into existence in Neopia? It's said that long, long ago, inside of a very dark laboratory, Dr. Sloth spent many long hours working with many strange ingredients...

Week - 430

Great Beauty Bargains
by alt1981black
Description: If you want your pets to look their finest, a trip to the Beauty Parlour is in order!

Week - 433

The Faerie Garden Party
by alt1981black
Description: This was a very important day for the pretty yellow Koi. This was one of those rare garden parties that was held by the Faerie Queen...

Week - 440

The Colour of a Reward: A Faerie Quest Story
by alt1981black
Description: What Una didn't know was that something wonderful was about to happen, and it was going to be one of the most memorable events in all her life...

Week - 443

Zadar's Adventure in Babysitting
by alt1981black
Description: One fine morning, in a nice Neohome located on Evil Street, a very grouchy Mutant Kyrii was just waking up to start his day.

Week - 453

A Basic Guide to the Employment Agency
by alt1981black
Description: I'll help you figure out the basics of how the Neopian Employment Agency is set up in this useful little guide.

Week - 456

UnaRae's Awful Day
by alt1981black
Description: I sprang out of bed, as usual, but this morning I tripped over the skateboard that my brother Zadar had forgotten to put away...

Week - 458

The Lesser Known Mutant History (Sloth vs. Krawley)
by alt1981black
Description: Krawley's role in the history of mutants is not known as clearly as Sloth's, nor is it as understood, yet there is very loose evidence that seems to link the two in the history of Neopia's mutants.

Week - 463

What Goes On Behind Door #2
by alt1981black
Description: "I'm going off to stay with our cousins for a month. I hope it'll be fun."

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