Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 184,475,300 Issue: 467 | 29th day of Collecting, Y12
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We found the following 6 result(s) for the keyword mellen48

Week - 300

Altador Cup Dreamin'
by mellen48
Description: Kookiths aren't exactly the brightest of petpets...

Week - 316

The Perils of Neogardening with a Grey Pet
by mellen48
Description: Look at this!

Week - 323

Magical Marbles: What's the Mystery?
by mellen48
Description: "Snowbloom gets some hands on experience, while Xedria gets a laugh."

Concept by fireyicefly

Week - 344

The Pound: another reason for Safe Transfer
by mellen48
Description: Now no-one can interrupt transfers, not even hungry Poogles.

Concept by mspooh68

Week - 355

Q: Why is Pet Trading Like the Altador Cup?
by mellen48
Description: UFT!

Week - 467

Trick or Treat Troubles
by mellen48
Description: *excited growl*

Also by zodiaxia

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I wasn't scary at all. I was just a joke. Why was I Elliot's petpet in the first place?

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Costume Adventure
As always, everyone was supposed to be dressed as something scary or spooky. The problem was that I had absolutely no idea what I was going to be!

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Story of a Zombie: Part Three
I was framed.

Also by alcatraz_the_amazing

by misshoginpitt


Witchy Ways to Celebrate All Hallow's Eve
How exactly do those of a witchy persuasion celebrate this extraordinary event? Look no further than this article!

by saphireblue3


Magic Vs. Money: Part Seven
"We have no case against Mr. Mogul..."

by al_bester

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