Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 184,475,300 Issue: 467 | 29th day of Collecting, Y12
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Team Mayhem

by dark_moon_blossom

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Halloween Blues
Unlike other spooky petpets, Candy Vampires really don't appreciate Halloween!

by kitteh_love_forever


How to save a spot on the party guest list part 4/4
Happy Halloween!

by agentwerehog


Story of a Zombie: Part Three
I was framed.

Also by alcatraz_the_amazing

by misshoginpitt


The Kacheek Club: A Haunted Halloween
"Trick-or-treating is the perfect opportunity for me to show off my fabulous Halloween costume." Bridgette grinned and twirled around.

by jenlin_25

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