Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 183,173,032 Issue: 472 | 3rd day of Celebrating, Y12
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword jecruby

Week - 421

Purely for the sake of Goofyness
by jecruby
Description: Inspired by my little brother

Week - 468

by jecruby
Description: Who DOESN'T love the Usukiland Advert?

Week - 472

by jecruby
Description: Aahhh, commercial jingles....

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Shea's Nightmare
The purple Shoyru's face was halfway under her covers. "And-an' then what happens if... If the Shadow Usul... catches you?" she squeaked.

by boscoemax


The 100 Signs of Neopets Addiction
Wow. That's a lot of signs. o_____________o;

by catlit262


The Cursed Mirror: Part Two
"Are you Tessa Blackwood?" the Grarrl said in an aggressive tone. He seemed to be unhappy with her, refusing to smile...

by standingdown


The Sorcery Society: Part Eleven
Well, I'm afraid this is the end of the road for you, sweeties! You see, it wouldn't be vengeance if I let all of you go, right?

by iris220_ll


The problem with backgrounds...

by chibino

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