Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 183,771,762 Issue: 473 | 10th day of Celebrating, Y12
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We found the following 13 result(s) for the keyword antiaircraft

Week - 435

The Friend
by antiaircraft_3
Description: The mirror snickered. You really can't, can you? Look at yourself. Mutants have been prettier.

Week - 440

Flowlight: Moon - Eternal Stranger: Part One
by antiaircraft_3
Description: This is the first part of one of the foretellings of the Great Eyrie Sage of Shenkuu, Four Left Feet – currently held in prison at the displeasure of the Emperor – as recited by his scribe, One Pugilistic Mootix.

Week - 441

Flowlight: Moon - Eternal Stranger: Part Two
by antiaircraft_3
Description: "I never said I was harmless."

Week - 442

Flowlight: Moon - Eternal Stranger: Part Three
by antiaircraft_3
Description: "There's no way you could've been around a hundred years ago," he was saying. "There's no such thing as an immortal pet..."

Week - 469

Flowlight: Sun - Echoes of Pride - Part One
by antiaircraft_3
Description: None of the occupants of this particular inn were going to bother getting up because of something as petty as daytime.

Week - 470

Flowlight: Sun - Echoes of Pride: Part Two
by antiaircraft_3
Description: "I've someone to meet," said the Xweetok, "and if you will insist on coming with us, at least try not to act so... conspicuously. It makes things hungry."

Week - 471

Flowlight: Sun - Echoes of Pride: Part Three
by antiaircraft_3
Description: A voice emerged from the creature's throat, oddly inflected, yet recognisable. "Who are you to know my name? You are nothing to us. You are food."

Week - 472

Flowlight: Sun - Echoes of Pride: Part Four
by antiaircraft_3
Description: The Witch of the Swamp glared at the world outside in general. "Who are you? Never mind that, why are you here? This had better be something urgent."

Week - 473

Flowlight: Sun - Echoes of Pride: Part Five
by antiaircraft_3
Description: The sharp shadows that were cast by that fearsome light were absolute; their inky blackness allowed nothing into them, and they were as sharp as if they were real.

Week - 470

Occupational Hazard: Part One
by antiaircraft
Description: Somewhere in the bowels of a sinister space station, flung far out into the most distant reaches of the Neopian star system, a Wocky was running for her life.

Week - 471

Occupational Hazard: Part Two
by antiaircraft
Description: The Wocky awoke refreshed, energised, and ready to make Sloth's life as difficult as possible for as long as he decided to keep her alive.

Week - 472

Occupational Hazard: Part Three
by antiaircraft
Description: Last time around she'd slipped in through the station's ventilation system. She didn't have time to take the long way now. She'd have to go in through the front door.

Week - 473

Occupational Hazard: Part Four
by antiaircraft
Description: Elaine was stalking between the tables of an empty mess hall when the alarm sounded. She dropped into a crouch, tightening her grip on her blaster...

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