Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 183,771,762 Issue: 473 | 10th day of Celebrating, Y12
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword icy_catalyst

Week - 428

Your Seasonal Guide to a Successful Pool Party
by icy_catalyst
Description: With this great seasonal guide, you'll soon find that Summer isn't as boring as you know it to be--besides, we've survived the heat this long, haven't we?

Week - 434

The Power of Distant Memories
by icy_catalyst
Description: Slowly, Loretta turned to the grubby counter and picked up the fancy pen she always reserved to take orders with. Sadness clutched at her heart...

Week - 435

My Scenic Travel Journal: First stop-Kiko Lake
by icy_catalyst
Description: I've just come back from the first invigorating destination on my very long list: the humble Kiko Lake.

Week - 472

The Witching Hour: Part One
by icy_catalyst
Description: The Shadow Usul stared up at the bleak, star-studded sky, waiting anxiously for the time when she would begin to fade into the colour of her surroundings, until her very existence became disguised by the shadows.

Week - 473

The Witching Hour: Part Two
by icy_catalyst
Description: "Please just stay for a moment to find out who you really are, for I know you are not a monster."

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Occupational Hazard: Part Four
Elaine was stalking between the tables of an empty mess hall when the alarm sounded. She dropped into a crouch, tightening her grip on her blaster...

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Beating the Snowager
The Snowager snuffled slightly, flicking his tail edgily. Draykwurm continued tiptoeing towards him, his eyes on the prize.

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Illusen and Jhudora's Night Out
This is the real situation. The two of them only kept up their "grudge" for the publicity.

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A Pirate's Nightmare
Jacques awoke with a startle, bolting upright in his hammock on the Black Pawkeet.

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A Bori in the Desert
The Lost Desert isn't a place most people would expect to find a Bori.

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