The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 183,771,762 Issue: 473 | 10th day of Celebrating, Y12
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We found the following 8 result(s) for the keyword merlynia

Week - 466

Ties That Bind: Part One
by merlynia
Description: "I apologize for arriving this late," he said calmly, "but I have an appointment. It's very important that I come in."

Week - 467

Ties That Bind: Part Two
by merlynia
Description: The Earl withdrew a piece of parchment from his waistcoat pocket. "I have a favor to ask of you, Mr. Harwood."

Week - 468

Ties That Bind: Part Three
by merlynia
Description: The mages began to chant in some foreign language, a singsong gibberish that echoed in the large room, growing louder as seconds passed.

Art by merlynia

Week - 469

Ties That Bind: Part Four
by merlynia
Description: Layla gazed at the land around her in silence, trying her best to get on Harwood's good side. Predictably, this didn't seem likely to last.

Week - 470

Ties That Bind: Part Five
by merlynia
Description: Today wasn't as promising as it seemed.

Week - 471

Ties That Bind: Part Six
by merlynia
Description: "You know who I am. You want to kill me." The thief's tone toyed with Harwood's nerves. "Then by all means, defender. Do your job."

Week - 472

Ties That Bind: Part Seven
by merlynia
Description: "What's wrong with you, Harwood?"

Week - 473

Ties That Bind: Part Eight
by merlynia
Description: "Stop." The defender halted, grabbing Layla's wrist. "This place..."

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