Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 183,437,693 Issue: 474 | 17th day of Celebrating, Y12
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword honshusan

Week - 260

Why Not Spike?
by honshusan
Description: And he was a great fan of Yooyuball, so a Yooyu would make a great Petpet. Yes, Leven had decided. Spike was out, and Yooyu was in. But the look on Spike's face as he was taken out the door...

Week - 363

What Not to Believe When Reading About the Pound
by honshusan
Description: I'm here today to open your eyes to the fiction in most stories about the pound. Today, you'll see just how it really is in the pound, directly from someone who's been in the place!

Week - 394

Wingin' It
by honshusan
Description: Gro frowned, sitting beside him and following his gaze upward. "Still wanting to fly, huh?"

Week - 410

Fireworks in Shenkuu
by honshusan
Description: I suppose I should go into more detail. Yeah, this would probably make more sense that way. So, this awful, terrible, horrible thing I've done...

Week - 474

A Beginner's Guide to Snack Safekeeping
by honshusan
Description: Inspired by my life as a middle child.

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The Play's the Thing: Part One
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Phosphofructokinase Diaries: Faeriely Ironic
What would have happened if the bottled faeries had turned to stone?

Idea by black_skull725

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Shades and Hues 02
Shadow Battles, Part 2/4

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Simple Demands: Still as Solid as a Stone
Thank you for that panic attack, Advent Calendar.

by warriorsluverdbook


The Waffle Truth
"Trevy, we need to move," Trish announced...

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