Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 191,643,725 Issue: 476 | 7th day of Sleeping, Y13
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We found the following 142 result(s) for the keyword herdygerdy

Week - 304

A Brief History of Neopia: Part 1
by herdygerdy
Description: The history of Neopia is a long and twisted tale with deceit, intrigue, victory and defeat at every turning...

Week - 308

A Brief History of Neopia: Part 2
by herdygerdy
Description: This, then, is the second half of Neopia's twisted history. Last time we delved deep into the Brain Tree's pulsating memory...

Week - 315

Witches!: Part One
by herdygerdy
Description: "Imagine what people would say if they heard of witches meeting indoors and drinking hot chocolate!"

Week - 316

Witches!: Part Two
by herdygerdy
Description: "You don't go around arresting witches! You run away!" Morguss explained...

Week - 317

Witches!: Part Three
by herdygerdy
Description: "Just what is going on? Why has the magic stopped working?" Sophie asked the other witches after they were deposited in the large cell containing Meridell's magical inhabitants...

Week - 318

Witches!: Part Four
by herdygerdy
Description: The six witches were now alone. "How are we going to challenge Lord Belton if we can't do magic while he's wearing the pendant?" asked Lisha...

Week - 322

A Life Less Interesting: Part One
by herdygerdy
Description: "I regret to inform you that your policy does not cover rockslides, your highness," Oscar said carefully. The Emperor mulled this over for a few moments...

Week - 323

A Life Less Interesting: Part Two
by herdygerdy
Description: He glanced down at the insurance policy on the table. It covered accidental fire, that was true, but in Oscar's experience there was no such thing as an accident on Krawk Island...

Week - 324

A Life Less Interesting: Part Three
by herdygerdy
Description: "Quit? Dear boy, don't talk such nonsense. Why would you want to quit this job? You get to see the world!" Jones laughed, stretching out his arms to somehow indicate the world was apparently the length of his desk...

Week - 325

A Life Less Interesting: Part Four
by herdygerdy
Description: It was time for Oscar to start his new life. He checked the location of the Tombola and marched off to the northwest, hoping to find the Tombola Man in an agreeable mood...

Week - 326

A Life Less Interesting: Part Five
by herdygerdy
Description: "Besides, we don't want you to do the actual stealing. We want you to do what you do best, talk to people about insurance," Sarah reassured him...

Week - 330

How do you solve a problem like Neovia?: Part One
by herdygerdy
Description: "Agenda?" the Mayor of Neovia asked. "What is this? All I got was a zombie shuffling up to the town hall and demanding I come and meet you all..."

Week - 331

How do you solve a problem like Neovia?: Part Two
by herdygerdy
Description: At least two hundred rotting corpses descended upon Neovia. People tried to run, but...

Week - 332

How do you solve a problem like Neovia?: Part Three
by herdygerdy
Description: There was only one figure on the street below, Bruno. He had been tasked the job of getting rid of the zombies, and was currently sweeping a bunch down the street with a large brush...

Week - 333

How do you solve a problem like Neovia?: Part Four
by herdygerdy
Description: The factory did not explode. Balthazar delivered in captured Faeries at the start of the night, Herman and his men bottled them, and Balthazar returned to pick them up at dawn...

Week - 335

The Witches Ride Again: Part One
by herdygerdy
Description: "Let me see... let me see... where did I put that ground Eye of Techo?" Sophie muttered under her breath as she trawled through the countless shelves in her shack...

Week - 336

The Witches Ride Again: Part Two
by herdygerdy
Description: "I wear a shawl, don't I?" Morguss replied abrasively. "That not good enough for you? Doesn't have to be a black hat to be a proper witch's hat, does it? Know a lot about the occult significance of headwear, do you?"

Week - 337

The Witches Ride Again: Part Three
by herdygerdy
Description: The three witches had arrived half an hour ago, and had sought the Soup Kitchen to satisfy their increasing appetites before confronting Kauvara. The crowds had other ideas, though...

Week - 338

The Witches Ride Again: Part Four
by herdygerdy
Description: "Not the Shop Wizard," Edna groaned. "You know I can't stand wizards. They're all crazy hair and stupid high pitched accents..."

Week - 339

The Witches Ride Again: Part Five
by herdygerdy
Description: Despite Kauvara's initial bravado, she was still in a weak state. She sat in the backroom sipping a restorative potion as the witches closed up her shop, largely by scowling at customers until they got the point and left...

Week - 341

The Curious Incident of the Statue in the Night-time: Part One
by herdygerdy
Description: "Ask yourself, if you were a master criminal who had just escaped from a maximum security cell at the Defenders of Neopia Headquarters, would you come back to where you were caught?"

Week - 342

The Curious Incident of the Statue in the Night-time: Part Two
by herdygerdy
Description: A few metres from Sarah, the Mynci launched himself in the air and spun his blade around. Sarah back flipped just in time...

Week - 343

The Curious Incident of the Statue in the Night-time: Part Three
by herdygerdy
Description: "Excuse me, I might be able to help you," a voice said from behind Shan. The Mynci turned to see a green Techo in adventurer's garb standing on the pier, attempting to look dashing.

Week - 344

The Curious Incident of the Statue in the Night-time: Part Four
by herdygerdy
Description: Mr. Jennings sipped his tea once before putting the cup back on the saucer. "Far too hot," he said. "I shall have to let it cool..."

Week - 345

The Curious Incident of the Statue in the Night-time: Part Five
by herdygerdy
Description: "Sarah, is that you?" a timid voice asked. Sarah turned to see a small yellow Kacheek behind a badly made stall near the tavern. Even to her surprise, she recognised him...

Week - 346

The Curious Incident of the Statue in the Night-time: Part Six
by herdygerdy
Description: "What is the meaning of this?" King Skarl shouted at the assembled Shenkuu guards...

Week - 347

Witches Further Abroad: Part One
by herdygerdy
Description: It was the annual witch convention. Well, annual might have been stretching it a bit; it was the first witch convention...

Week - 348

Witches Further Abroad: Part Two
by herdygerdy
Description: "Why have levers in the middle of a public place if no one is supposed to pull them?" Sophie asked herself...

Week - 349

Witches Further Abroad: Part Three
by herdygerdy
Description: The space station rocked with the force of the impact. The lights in the chamber blinked off for a second, before returning in hues of red. From unseen speakers sirens began to wail, deafening the witches...

Week - 350

Witches Further Abroad: Part Four
by herdygerdy
Description: "You aren't getting me outside," Morguss said forcefully. "I've heard stories about space funguses-"

Week - 351

Witches Further Abroad: Part Five
by herdygerdy
Description: He begins pressing buttons. From here he can control the entire moon base. The fools let him walk straight in...

Week - 352

Witches Further Abroad: Part Six
by herdygerdy
Description: The plan has gone exceedingly well. Soon he will be in a position to wreak true vengeance on the people of Kreludor...

Week - 354

Insured?: Part One
by herdygerdy
Description: "I wish to speak with the Queen on a matter of much urgency," Northolt said. It was a lie, but then so was everything about him. His name wasn't Northolt, he wasn't a Lord, and he wasn't even a real Lutari...

Week - 355

Insured?: Part Two
by herdygerdy
Description: Oscar felt his arms and legs tingle, and then suddenly the world blurred. It was as if the entire universe was being stirred with a teaspoon.

Week - 356

Insured?: Part Three
by herdygerdy
Description: Oscar was walking at a leisurely stroll. He didn't think there was much point rushing to see Fyora. Jack and Imelda would get there before him, and if they couldn't make Fyora sign, there was little chance of Oscar being able to.

Week - 357

Insured?: Part Four
by herdygerdy
Description: "I was supposed to have an audience with the queen," Oscar replied, "but it looks like it's been cancelled."

Week - 358

Insured?: Part Five
by herdygerdy
Description: "You won't get away with it!" Oscar said, aware that certain things needed to be said in certain situations, regardless of their truth.

Week - 359

The Book: Part One
by herdygerdy
Description: Of course she had always been a mad old witch, but now people began to consider that she might be an insane old witch.

Week - 360

The Book: Part Two
by herdygerdy
Description: Maria had abandoned her home, her job, her entire life, on a whim. Just so she could get another look at the magic book. She scowled at herself for being so impulsive.

Week - 361

The Book: Part Three
by herdygerdy
Description: Maria sighed. She was stuck on an island with a depressed thimble enthusiast and a magic book that had lost its magic.

Week - 362

The Book: Part Four
by herdygerdy
Description: Mystery Island had never seen so many witches at once. The sight of the group, clad in their full robes in the tropical heat, was causing quite a commotion.

Week - 363

The Book: Part Five
by herdygerdy
Description: "I'm not sharing a cell with the thimble fraudster!" Freddy shouted.

Week - 364

The Book: Part Six
by herdygerdy
Description: The group rounded another corner and almost walked straight into the brown Mynci, the Captain of the ship.

Week - 365

The Book: Part Seven
by herdygerdy
Description: "She fell from the sky..." the Fortune Teller said distantly. "You don't think that maybe... a Faerie dropped her?"

Week - 366

The Book: Part Eight
by herdygerdy
Description: "There's no need to call us idiots," Clive the Beacon Bearer replied. "You only got to be Grand Master because you're the only one the Grand Master robes fit."

Week - 367

The Book: Part Nine
by herdygerdy
Description: Edna breathed a sigh of relief. "At last!" she said happily. "It's about time we got some luck!"

Week - 368

A Faerie Tale: War - Part One
by herdygerdy
Description: The Faeries came to Neopia in turmoil, with the drums of their hearts beating towards war. They were scattered, divided...

Week - 369

A Faerie Tale: War - Part Two
by herdygerdy
Description: "It was Jhudora, I'm sure..." Illusen told her Queen. "Though, she seemed darker than usual, as if she was encased by shadows."

Week - 370

A Faerie Tale: War - Part Three
by herdygerdy
Description: The Faerieland dungeons were not like the rest of the palace, covered in gleaming pink and purple. There wasn't a cloud in sight...

Week - 371

A Faerie Tale: War - Part Four
by herdygerdy
Description: "It's not just Dark Faeries. Her majesty is expecting a full revolt, civil war kind of thing..."

Week - 372

A Faerie Tale: War - Part Five
by herdygerdy
Description: The door exploded inwards. The troops within the lobby were showered with the splinters of the ancient door, which had stood since the founding of Faerieland.

Week - 373

A Faerie Tale: War - Part Six
by herdygerdy
Description: "No one will dare come to help Faerieland," Jhudora continued. "After all, if it's an evil as great as to defeat Fyora... why bother fighting it at all?"

Week - 374

A Faerie Tale: War - Part Seven
by herdygerdy
Description: "You helped the evil Dark Faeries get into the castle! You're just like the rest of your kind!" someone sneered.

Week - 375

A Faerie Tale: War - Part Eight
by herdygerdy
Description: Illusen heard the battle begin above her. The Queen's army had returned...

Week - 376

A Faerie Tale: War - Part Nine
by herdygerdy
Description: "I am here to protect, not to kill," she told the Dark Faerie. "Now go... I never want to see your face in Faerieland again."

Week - 377

Sky Pirates!: Part One
by herdygerdy
Description: "You have sent my greatest pupil to the place where I betrayed you... I wonder... do you fear he will turn out just like me?"

Week - 378

Sky Pirates!: Part Two
by herdygerdy
Description: Pirates didn't plan little things like that. They didn't need to. Pirates just ran in screaming with the cutlass held high and hoped for the best.

Week - 379

Sky Pirates!: Part Three
by herdygerdy
Description: Dread smiled toothily. Well, his skeletal expression didn't change, but inside he was smiling.

Week - 380

Sky Pirates!: Part Four
by herdygerdy
Description: The crew didn't need telling twice. They rushed to light the cannons. A few moments later, three cannonballs were hurled across the ocean.

Week - 381

Sky Pirates!: Part Five
by herdygerdy
Description: Dread clicked his jaw experimentally. "Yes, yes I am," the Kiko admitted. "But that's all in the past now."

Week - 382

Sky Pirates!: Part Six
by herdygerdy
Description: "I'm sure you are, Mr. Halflook, and I fully intend to pay you," Qin replied. "However, this unscrupulous character has seized the Neopoints I owe you."

Week - 383

Return of the Crimson Witch: Part One
by herdygerdy
Description: It was business as usual in the Haunted Woods. The spooks were spooking and the creeps were creeping.

Week - 384

Return of the Crimson Witch: Part Two
by herdygerdy
Description: "Nothing yellow's ever amounted to anything," Edna said knowingly.

Week - 385

Return of the Crimson Witch: Part Three
by herdygerdy
Description: "You look as if you've been here all your life – a real local," Sophie lied.

Week - 386

Return of the Crimson Witch: Part Four
by herdygerdy
Description: Aside from Henry and the witches, time appeared to have ground to a halt. "That's powerful magic," Morguss observed.

Week - 387

Return of the Crimson Witch: Part Five
by herdygerdy
Description: "You saw that magic hit her," Morguss said, as she continued on her way. "You think anyone could survive a direct hit like that?"

Week - 388

Return of the Crimson Witch: Part Six
by herdygerdy
Description: The witches always lived on the line; it was where the magic and the power were, after all. And here Edna was, walking the line between life and death...

Week - 389

Intrigue at the Altador Cup: Part One
by herdygerdy
Description: "All you need to do is throw the first game in the tournament..." the shadow suggested.

Week - 390

Intrigue at the Altador Cup: Part Two
by herdygerdy
Description: "Oh darhling, we don't do dinner! How uncouth!" she told him. "We shall do lunch! Have your people talk to my people!"

Week - 391

Intrigue at the Altador Cup: Part Three
by herdygerdy
Description: Tobik's holiday home was a mansion, as Fredrick had expected.

Week - 392

Intrigue at the Altador Cup: Part Four
by herdygerdy
Description: As he approached the stadium, Fredrick dipped into an alley and sampled another of his potions.

Week - 393

Intrigue at the Altador Cup: Part Five
by herdygerdy
Description: He'd barely made it a few metres before the Yooyu exploded in his arms. It was a bigger blast than the normal explosion...

Week - 394

Intrigue at the Altador Cup: Part Six
by herdygerdy
Description: In Fredrick's professional opinion, the cells in Altador were fairly decent.

Week - 395

A Very Neovian Election: Part One
by herdygerdy
Description: Paperwork was the Mayor of Neovia's favourite thing in the entire world. Under his expert supervision, the amount of the stuff floating around the town had doubled...

Week - 396

A Very Neovian Election: Part Two
by herdygerdy
Description: With a loud crash, Bruno's statue put his hand through the upper window of a house and pulled out the occupant.

Week - 397

A Very Neovian Election: Part Three
by herdygerdy
Description: "We've just done an official vote of no confidence," the Crumpetmonger told him with the grin of a woman who knows her paperwork.

Week - 398

A Very Neovian Election: Part Four
by herdygerdy
Description: "Show that young whippersnapper who is boss!" zombies that were centuries old groaned.

Thumburt beamed.

Week - 399

A Very Neovian Election: Part Five
by herdygerdy
Description: "Enchanted? Have you hit your head? My pastries contain no artificial flavourings whatsoever!" the Crumpetmonger told him.

Week - 400

A Very Neovian Election: Part Six
by herdygerdy
Description: "It's a long shot, but it might just work," she said half to herself and half to her Meowclops.

Week - 401

A Very Neovian Election: Part Seven
by herdygerdy
Description: You wish to make a deal with us? the darkness questioned...

Week - 404

Witches in the Shadows: Part One
by herdygerdy
Description: Sophie shouted at them, "You broke the rules when you invaded Neovia!"

Week - 405

Witches in the Shadows: Part Two
by herdygerdy
Description: The figure, still clad tightly in robes that obscured most of his form, checked the contents of a small bag. Inside, over a dozen Lightmites buzzed, filling the bag with their pure yellow glow.

Week - 406

Witches in the Shadows: Part Three
by herdygerdy
Description: "They call them the Endless Plains. Not the Delightfully Small Plains or the Plains You Can Nip Across in Five Minutes!"

Week - 407

Witches in the Shadows: Part Four
by herdygerdy
Description: Where was the girl who had saved the planet?

Week - 408

Witches in the Shadows: Part Five
by herdygerdy
Description: Edna pushed Maria away awkwardly. "Not dead is a state I've got quite used to being in," she replied, dusting herself off.

Week - 409

Witches in the Shadows: Part Six
by herdygerdy
Description: "They'll stop you! They always do!" Maria shouted happily. She couldn't see quite how that was possible, but it seemed to annoy the shadows, so that was enough for her.

Week - 417

How to Save the World of Insurance in Six Easy Parts: Part One
by herdygerdy
Description: "My name is Oscar, madam," the small yellow Kacheek replied, tipping the brim of his blue bowler hat towards her. "I'm here to talk to you about the wondrous world of insurance."

Week - 418

How to Save the World of Insurance in Six Easy Parts: Part Two
by herdygerdy
Description: "Me, sir?" Oscar gasped. "How am I supposed to save the world of insurance?"

Week - 419

How to Save the World of Insurance in Six Easy Parts: Part Three
by herdygerdy
Description: "I must apologise for Mr. Black," the Krawk said kindly. "He has a tendency to be rather forceful."

Week - 420

How to Save the World of Insurance in Six Easy Parts: Part Four
by herdygerdy
Description: "These days we prefer to be called the Living Impaired."

Week - 421

How to Save the World of Insurance in Six Easy Parts: Part Five
by herdygerdy
Description: "Quite so, sir," he agreed. "Though why the master needs to throw a party when he has a death threat hanging over his head is quite beyond me."

Week - 422

How to Save the World of Insurance in Six Easy Parts: Part Six
by herdygerdy
Description: "Do we have a doctor in the house?" Wadsworth the butler asked.

Week - 423

Yuletide Witches: Part One
by herdygerdy
Description: The Christmas Yurble hummed a merry tune under his breath as he read the parchment in his hand. It was a list of names, and this would be the second time he had checked it...

Week - 424

Yuletide Witches: Part Two
by herdygerdy
Description: "Someone's stolen Christmas," Stanley informed her.

Sophie blinked once.

"Good for them," she replied, and closed the door.

Week - 425

Yuletide Witches: Part Three
by herdygerdy
Description: "The North Pole?" Stanley asked. "The Spirit of Giving actually lives there?"

Week - 426

Yuletide Witches: Part Four
by herdygerdy
Description: The Baby Yurble giggled at the sight of Edna. "The Shoyru sapped him of all his powers; he's been left as nothing more than an infant," Chestnut explained.

Week - 427

Yuletide Witches: Part Five
by herdygerdy
Description: She could see a sleigh, arcing across the sky and coming closer to the house. It was pulled by nine Meowclops, the lead one casting a spooky yellow light across the houses as it went...

Week - 428

Yuletide Witches: Part Six
by herdygerdy
Description: "So glad you could make it!" the Shoyru cackled, performing a mock bow.

Week - 430

Goldrun, Revisited: Part One
by herdygerdy
Description: Carefully, Victor unrolled the parchment in his hand and read it again.

To whoever may find this, we need your help. Our town is suffering from a-

Week - 431

Goldrun, Revisited: Part Two
by herdygerdy
Description: "Welcome to the Goldrun General Store," Ellie announced as she opened the door. "It's run by Flagrant Dohicky, as fine a citizen as ya can hope to find in this here town."

Week - 432

Goldrun, Revisited: Part Three
by herdygerdy
Description: "I've got clients that need gold, Sheriff!" a male voice boomed. "My mine is the heart of Goldrun; you can't keep living in the past!"

Week - 433

Goldrun, Revisited: Part Four
by herdygerdy
Description: "We need to speak to your father; Jonas has escaped and is in the mountains," Ellie explained.

Week - 434

Goldrun, Revisited: Part Five
by herdygerdy
Description: "You don't remember me?" Ellie asked. "I'm Sheriff Ellie, of Goldrun!"

Week - 435

Goldrun, Revisited: Part Six
by herdygerdy
Description: Goldrun sat on the horizon, blurry in the desert heat. Ellie carefully examined the town with a spyglass before handing it back to Pete.

Week - 437

Adventures in Facial Hair
by herdygerdy
Description: "It is quite useless, Miss Constance," he laughed, twirling his thin waxed moustache between his fingers. "The Meridell mail coach stops for no one!"

Week - 438

Viva la Resistance!: Part One
by herdygerdy
Description: Judge Hog's cape billowed in the wind as he struck a dashing and heroic pose. A gentle ting followed as the lift came to a stop.

Week - 439

Viva la Resistance!: Part Two
by herdygerdy
Description: "Good, I do like it when I don't have to introduce myself," he said. "The reason I ask is out of good manners. You see, I know exactly who you are."

Week - 440

Viva la Resistance!: Part Three
by herdygerdy
Description: "I... forgot the code," Fredrick stated in his best innocent voice.

Week - 441

Viva la Resistance!: Part Four
by herdygerdy
Description: Fredrick woke to the pleasant experience of discovering that he had not in fact been killed in his sleep.

Week - 442

Viva la Resistance!: Part Five
by herdygerdy
Description: "Number One has some very important news for us all," he announced.

Week - 443

Viva la Resistance!: Part Six
by herdygerdy
Description: "Mr. Entwhistle is a good lawyer, but he has dreadfully annoying things that he calls morals."

Week - 444

Viva la Resistance!: Part Seven
by herdygerdy
Description: There was a small platform away from the main sewer track, presumably used for access from the city above. There was a deckchair set up there...

Week - 445

Zombie Nation: Part One
by herdygerdy
Description: Oldnose had tried lurking around the graveyard. He'd tried shuffling and groaning in the shadows... but his heart just wasn't in it. He wasn't that kind of Zombie.

Week - 446

Zombie Nation: Part Two
by herdygerdy
Description: It soon became clear to him that in Neopia Central, just like in the Haunted Woods, Zombies were second class citizens.

Week - 447

Zombie Nation: Part Three
by herdygerdy
Description: "It seems the Zombie populace of Neopia Central are planning a demonstration," Jennings explained.

Week - 448

Zombie Nation: Part Four
by herdygerdy
Description: Magic. The word had barely left the mind of Mr. Jennings all night. The very concept of it unsettled him.

Week - 449

Zombie Nation: Part Five
by herdygerdy
Description: The morning paper was deposited on Mr. Jennings's desk. He barely looked at it. He knew what the contents would be...

Week - 450

Zombie Nation: Part Six
by herdygerdy
Description: "My name is Mr. Jennings," the Krawk replied pleasantly. "I am a local businessman, and of course, a concerned citizen."

Week - 453

Good Foundations: Part One
by herdygerdy
Description: Neopia Central is a city, vast and teeming with the lives of millions of Neopets. From its humble beginnings as a travelling group of trading gypsies, it has always been a free economy...

Week - 454

Good Foundations: Part Two
by herdygerdy
Description: He opened the door to his office.

There was someone waiting within.

Week - 455

Good Foundations: Part Three
by herdygerdy
Description: Jennings feigned a look of surprise and turned to his bodyguard. "It appears we have fallen victim to a cunning trap, Mr. Black."

Week - 456

Good Foundations: Part Four
by herdygerdy
Description: "He took us by surprise, sir!" the Kougra blurted out.

"Surprise? Surprise!?" Vargo bellowed. "You were lying in wait for him!"

Week - 457

Good Foundations: Part Five
by herdygerdy
Description: "The usual," Vargo barked. "Have you seen Clive and Harry about? They were supposed to be here today."

Week - 458

Breaking News: Part One
by herdygerdy
Description: "Do you think you could set up another Expellibox conduit in Neopia Central?"

Week - 459

Breaking News: Part Two
by herdygerdy
Description: Alfonso turned immediately, his eyes suddenly wide and alert. "Get me Lady Cambridge, immediately," he ordered.

Week - 460

Breaking News: Part Three
by herdygerdy
Description: Peter subconsciously straightened his tie. "The editor felt certain stories I had been working on weren't in the paper's best interests."

Week - 461

Breaking News: Part Four
by herdygerdy
Description: It was Friday, at 6 p.m., sharp. Alfonso Might was still in his office. A small Neovision set had been brought in and left on his desk.

Week - 462

Breaking News: Part Five
by herdygerdy
Description: Peter realised his mistake as soon as he said it. Hagan was the King of Brightvale, not Meridell. He'd just said it without thinking.

Week - 463

Breaking News: Part Six
by herdygerdy
Description: If he could figure out what Mr. Jennings was up to, and stop him, everything would go back to the way it was. He'd be safe. He'd be in control again.

Week - 464

Breaking News: Part Seven
by herdygerdy
Description: "Positive, sir," the Grarrl replied. "They were trying very hard to look as if they weren't all heading here together."

Jennings nodded. "Then it ends tonight."

Week - 465

High Society: Part One
by herdygerdy
Description: He had plans for the city, plans to unite it as a whole, and march it forwards towards a glorious future of his own design.

Week - 466

High Society: Part Two
by herdygerdy
Description: "Perhaps you can help me, Worthington," she considered. "Who is Mr. Jennings? I'm sure that's the key."

Week - 467

High Society: Part Three
by herdygerdy
Description: "Everyone knows Jennings can't be stopped. The full might of the Shenkuu Empire wasn't enough to hold him. Better to be on his side than against him."

Week - 468

High Society: Part Four
by herdygerdy
Description: "He was a Meridell lord, but then again, who isn't?"

Week - 469

High Society: Part Five
by herdygerdy
Description: "Yes, after all, we're both aware of the reality of Lady Cambridge's charity work," Jennings explained as he popped a mini sausage roll in his mouth.

Week - 470

Empire: Part One
by herdygerdy
Description: Neopia Central is a very curious city. There is no ruler, no one to set the rules or guide the people. So, with the lack of any available Neopet, chaos rules.

Week - 471

Empire: Part Two
by herdygerdy
Description: It was madness, Shan later decided. What other explanation could there have been? He had betrayed the Empire.

Week - 472

Empire: Part Three
by herdygerdy
Description: Shan's gaze drifted to one skyscraper set apart from the others in the distance. His hand clenched into a fist.

Week - 473

Empire: Part Four
by herdygerdy
Description: "The guards to these cells have been personally vetted by me. You won't be able to sneak your employees into their ranks. You will be rotting here for an eternity, Qin. Your quest for revenge is over."

Week - 474

The Play's the Thing: Part One
by herdygerdy
Description: "Can't be doing with plays," Edna told them. "Too much fancy talking and not enough getting to the point. They take half an hour just to say hello."

Week - 475

The Play's the Thing: Part Two
by herdygerdy
Description: Around them, the lights began to dim. "I'm reading!" Morguss shouted very loudly to no one in particular as the audience was plunged into relative darkness.

Week - 476

The Play's the Thing: Part Three
by herdygerdy
Description: Archie poked his head through the curtains, taking a look at the audience. "They seem alright," he reported back to the others still on stage.

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