Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 184,867,923 Issue: 477 | 14th day of Sleeping, Y13
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We found the following 8 result(s) for the keyword newenglandquizzer

Week - 266

Adventures in Brightvale: Book I - Part One
by newenglandquizzer
Description: Meadowbuck walked quickly down the gravel path to the Brightvale University. It was his first day of school there, and he was already late. He had two bags over his shoulder: one held his notebooks, pencils, and other school supplies, and the other his Liobits...

Week - 267

Adventures in Brightvale: Book I - Part Two
by newenglandquizzer
Description: The Grarrl looked at his partner and fluttered his eyes. "'To the authorities if necessary.' Well, if our little telltale don't take the cake. He's a fancy talker, ain't he?"

Week - 453

Voyage of the Golden Pearl
by newenglandquizzer
Description: "Cap'n, there's a storm brewin' t'the north!"

Week - 455

Voyage of the Starlite
by newenglandquizzer
Description: For years, Virtupets had been sending ships and probes in to chart the area. None had ever returned.

Week - 458

Voyage of the River Skippers
by newenglandquizzer
Description: "This is awesome!" Xilau yelled. The ghost Gelert had his front paws up on the railing; his ears streamed behind him in the breeze.

Week - 475

Room in the Inn: Prepare Your Fosters for Christmas
by newenglandquizzer
Description: A guide on how to get your foster home ready for the holiday season without breaking the bank.

Week - 476

College Days: A Pirate Adventure - Part One
by newenglandquizzer
Description: Meadowbuck felt annoyed. That was not the first emotion he'd expected after being thrown to a watery grave. But honestly, he was annoyed.

Week - 477

College Days: A Pirate Adventure - Part Two
by newenglandquizzer
Description: The botany teacher, a yellow Ogrin, glanced up casually as Meadowbuck and Horax tip-pawed into the forest clearing that made up his unique classroom. He winked at them and continued his lecture without pause.

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