There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 184,867,923 Issue: 477 | 14th day of Sleeping, Y13
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We found the following 18 result(s) for the keyword tj_wagner

Week - 214

Taking a Chance on Friendship
by tj_wagner
Description: "Well, you see, we're a club here," answered the Shoyru proudly, "And one of our rules is that we can only talk with other club members."

Week - 218

Once Upon a Time in Pet Central
by tj_wagner
Description: The Story Telling Competition is a competition in which a member of TNT begins a story with a single paragraph. Each day, 1-2 new paragraphs are chosen that best continue the story...

Week - 246

The Perfect Petpage Guide in Six Steps
by tj_wagner
Description: A petpage guide can be very useful and can provide information and tips for other players. Yet, how can you be sure that your guide is truly beneficial?

Week - 286

The Truth of the Faerie Wars
by tj_wagner
Description: Rumors have been spreading quickly on the nimble wings of Neopian Faeries that a new war was quickly approaching. All of Neopia began preparing, choosing sides and strategies for what was quickly dubbed the Faerie Wars...

Week - 288

Running Faster than Destiny: Part One
by tj_wagner
Description: "I don't have a chance against her. She must have a million trophies by now, but all I want is one. Why can't she just sit out one race so that I could win?"

Week - 289

Running Faster than Destiny: Part Two
by tj_wagner
Description: "But what if this wasn't just a story? What if someone like Onyx approached you after a race and offered to help you to become a winner? What would you do?"

Week - 290

Running Faster than Destiny: Part Three
by tj_wagner
Description: Twitch knew he should be heading home, but for a few minutes he just sat there staring up at the sky while his mind raced. What had just happened? Had the spell been for real?

Week - 291

Running Faster than Destiny: Part Four
by tj_wagner
Description: So many times during the party, he had wanted to take his parents aside and tell them the truth, but he had never dredged up the courage...

Week - 292

Running Faster than Destiny: Part Five
by tj_wagner
Description: Twitch followed the sound of the voice and saw Onyx sitting in the branches of a nearby tree. The same wicked smile was plastered on his face...

Week - 293

Running Faster than Destiny: Part Six
by tj_wagner
Description: "Perhaps he allowed himself to be misled," Onyx suggested. "He never asked how the spell worked, after all..."

Week - 363

Something's Missing
by tj_wagner
Description: The perfect neohome!

Week - 366

The Haunted Toilet
by tj_wagner
Description: "I do have one toilet I could sell you for the price you want. It's not the prettiest, but it works."

Week - 369

Key Quest - Play to Win. Play to the End.
by tj_wagner
Description: Seriously, how many games give prizes to the person who was the farthest from the goal?

Week - 408

Who Is Sarah?
by tj_wagner
Description: She watched the gentle wildflowers dance in the warm breeze. It was as if they were beckoning to her, "Come out and play, Sarah," but she was stuck indoors.

Week - 413

Guide to Neo-Niceness
by tj_wagner
Description: There is some confusion as to how to be nice on Neo.

Week - 416

The Window
by tj_wagner
Description: Outside the thick, milky window, I can see the real world...

Week - 467

by tj_wagner
Description: You refuse to say you think I'm crazy.

Sweet Fyora! I wish that I was.

Week - 477

The Hero
by tj_wagner
Description: Rond felt like a failure.

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