Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 184,867,923 Issue: 477 | 14th day of Sleeping, Y13
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Egg Wars Chronicles

by miajune

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Against the Grain
Jenn lets each of her pets work at the bakery after they've been a part of the family for one year. As today is my 365th day in the family, it's my turn to see if I've got what it takes to make a decent iced cake.

by enjoyeverything


I'm Runner: Part Two
"I'm from... Darigan. Darigan Citadel, that is. And, um, I live there. And am going there. Because I like it there."

by peachwriting


Top Ten Villains of 2010 by Dr. Frank L. Sloth
As a concerned citizen of Neopia, I, Dr. Frank L. Sloth, have compiled a list of the Top Ten Most Successful, and Therefore Secretive, Villains in recent Neopia history for your safety.

by jayceedee


College Days: A Pirate Adventure - Part Two
The botany teacher, a yellow Ogrin, glanced up casually as Meadowbuck and Horax tip-pawed into the forest clearing that made up his unique classroom. He winked at them and continued his lecture without pause.

by newenglandquizzer

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