Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 183,942,985 Issue: 478 | 21st day of Sleeping, Y13
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword sarcasticdeath

Week - 465

The Stone Truth
by vampirebunny18
Description: Two Neopets users were discussing...

Also by sarcasticdeath

Week - 467

Happy Un-Halloween!
by sarcasticdeath
Description: True Von Roo!

Also by vampirebunny18

Week - 469

Dr. Evil Sweet-tooth
by vampirebunny18
Description: Happy Birthday, Neopets!

Concept by sarcasticdeath

Week - 478

Neo Life Lessons : Part 1
by sarcasticdeath
Description: The real life lessons our site teaches us.

Art by vampirebunny18

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Never Send a Mystery Capsule to Dr. Sloth: Part Two
"S-s-s-s..." she said, staring past me up to the super-villain. "Sloth!" she finally managed, eyes like saucers.

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I See Right Through You!
With my unbiased, revolutionary, humble, and much needed commentary, I will share with you exactly where Neopia has gone wrong this time.

by helpamerica38


Flashpoint: Part Two
I barely had enough time to fire up my mag boots before a massive explosion shook the space station right down to its imaginary foundations.

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by antiaircraft


What Should You Write For the Times
Do you love to write but don't know how you can make your normal writing relate to Neopia? Get constant writer's block? Want to write but don't have any ideas? Then this quiz is for you!

by iloveharrypotter8989


"Don't both of us have a similar goal? To get the painting worth millions currently on display at the Art Gallery, the portrait of Roberta, the niece of Hagan and Skarl?"

by chocolate_lover67

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