Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 183,942,985 Issue: 478 | 21st day of Sleeping, Y13
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword sporty2443

Week - 458

Magnificent Mutants
by sporty2443
Description: It is understandable why some pets and their owners are hesitant about trying out the Mutant colour.

Week - 478

The Xweetok of Faerieland Academy
by sporty2443
Description: "Can you believe it? The faeries have chosen me to study at their academy! I'm going to perfect my magic with the most powerful beings in Neopia!"

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Suspension of Disbelief
Why plots take place in an alternate continuity...

by a_gogo


Literally ~ Babysitter Problems
Did you say your name was Rigg_a_Mortis?

by pirate_cove


One Card
I sighed and eyed the dusty-tan coloured Cybunny as she drew a thin Scorched Treasure scratchcard out of the metal bin and slapped it down on the counter.

by warzia


Dont Defrost
Don't Defrost all foods before you cook or eat.

by actinia


The Xweetok of Faerieland Academy
"Can you believe it? The faeries have chosen me to study at their academy! I'm going to perfect my magic with the most powerful beings in Neopia!"

by sporty2443

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