There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 184,258,786 Issue: 482 | 18th day of Awakening, Y13
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We found the following 20 result(s) for the keyword kathleen_kate

Week - 375

Sapphire's Stories: Ordinarily Discontent
by kathleen_kate
Description: "The medicine costs 105,000 NP. How in Neopia do you expect to pay for it if you always gamble on turdles?"

Week - 381

Sapphire's Stories: Present Peril
by kathleen_kate
Description: Kate's birthday!! I didn't know what to do. I didn't have ANY present for her at all!

Week - 418

Scarlet Shadow: A Scepter Full of Trouble - Part One
by kathleen_kate
Description: She meant to make a quiet escape, but that was apparently not meant to be. "Oh well, at least I got the diamond," she sighed...

Week - 419

Scarlet Shadow: A Scepter Full of Trouble - Part Two
by kathleen_kate
Description: "There won't be a next time if we don’t get out of here now!" Kanrik argued

Week - 420

Scarlet Shadow: A Scepter Full of Trouble - Part Three
by kathleen_kate
Description: Scarlet looked at herself in the mirror. Her long, wavy hair was now flowing freely and seemed to be in tone with the flowing of the gown. She looked like a princess... again.

Week - 421

Scarlet Shadow: A Scepter Full of Trouble - Part Four
by kathleen_kate
Description: "Do you know how to handle swords?" Skarl asked just as Scarlet was about to leave.

Week - 434

Scarlet Shadow: A Knight's Reckoning - Part One
by kathleen_kate
Description: Jeran fell. He tripped over a root. "Lisha?!" he cried, picking himself up. Not knowing here he was, the young Lupe quickly ran...

Week - 435

Scarlet Shadow: A Knight's Reckoning - Part Two
by kathleen_kate
Description: Jeran's eyes widened. He couldn't believe it! Meridell's Champion was standing right in front of him!

Week - 436

Scarlet Shadow: A Knight's Reckoning - Part Three
by kathleen_kate
Description: "So, Sir Jeran," a pretty young Wocky piped, "I heard your parents were lost to you a long time ago. What happened?"

Week - 437

Scarlet Shadow: A Knight's Reckoning - Part Four
by kathleen_kate
Description: "You and I," Jeran stated, "have been selected to accompany a certain heir to the throne..."

Week - 438

Scarlet Shadow: A Knight's Reckoning - Part Five
by kathleen_kate
Description: Jeran whistled a happy tune as he walked about inside the palace. He was going to be dubbed as a knight in the afternoon!

Week - 439

Scarlet Shadow: A Knight's Reckoning - Part Six
by kathleen_kate
Description: "Crystal, this attack... it's just..." The earth faerie took a deep breath. "There's been talk of a these creatures forming some sort of alliance."

Week - 468

Scarlet Shadow - A Thief's Uprising: Part One
by kathleen_kate
Description: "You need to start getting used to some other name. You're not 'Princess Crystal' any more."

Week - 469

Scarlet Shadow - A Thief's Uprising: Part Two
by kathleen_kate
Description: "Can I really trust the word of a runaway noble?" Cenoal asked after the Lupess had gone over the dune.

Week - 470

Scarlet Shadow - A Thief's Uprising: Part Three
by kathleen_kate
Description: "You're not a Scarab. Not yet, at least," Cenoal continued. "No one's going to take you seriously until..."

Week - 471

Scarlet Shadow - A Thief's Uprising: Part Four
by kathleen_kate
Description: From the honor-bound young noble he had once seen, the Lupess was now one of the most respected in the guild.

Week - 472

Scarlet Shadow - A Thief's Uprising: Part Five
by kathleen_kate
Description: "Watch out!" A figure slammed into him, bringing them both to the ground. Cenoal looked up into the face of the Zafara. Lord Riqon!

Week - 473

Scarlet Shadow - A Thief's Uprising: Part Six
by kathleen_kate
Description: "Darkhand! Darkhand! Darkhand!" the thieves shouted. A few days back, Lord Riqon had disappeared. The only trace of him left was a letter that proclaimed Galem as Guild Master.

Week - 481

Scarlet Shadow: Secrets and Reunions - Part One
by kathleen_kate
Description: The Lady Cios stood silently. She bowed in greeting. "Lord Kanrik," she began, "I do hope your trip was uneventful?"

Week - 482

Scarlet Shadow: Secrets and Reunions - Part Two
by kathleen_kate
Description: Skarl's voice betrayed the soft side not many had ever seen. "My dear child," he said, "you have finally returned."

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