There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 184,543,350 Issue: 485 | 11th day of Running, Y13
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword iloveharrypotter8989

Week - 337

Guide to Imperial Exam
by iloveharrypotter8989
Description: The game is pretty easy to play. Look at the thought bubble of each pet. If the word is spelled correctly, press the up arrow key to let them enter the exam.

Week - 478

What Should You Write For the Times
by iloveharrypotter8989
Description: Do you love to write but don't know how you can make your normal writing relate to Neopia? Get constant writer's block? Want to write but don't have any ideas? Then this quiz is for you!

Week - 485

A Guide to the Gross
by iloveharrypotter8989
Description: At last, someone has braved the world of gross foods to bring you the top 10 best (and worst) gross foods in Neopia.

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It's Not My Fault!
It takes more than just makeup skills.

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Monsters Under the Bed
"Sweet dreams, Saly!"

by djudju22_8


The Foolish Zafara
Many days after Faerieland fell and the day was saved by great heroes, three faeries were flying low over the land near Neopia Central.

by berry_blast

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