Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 184,543,350 Issue: 485 | 11th day of Running, Y13
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword penskii

Week - 390

The Adventurer's Guide to Adventuring!
by penskii
Description: Instead of wasting your day staring out of your window, have an adventure! Don't know how? That's what we're here for!

Week - 392

Teacher's Pet
by penskii
Description: Mr. Mytho was the new teacher at Maya's school. He seemed to be always losing his patience with students...

Week - 478

The Funnies: Kreludor Mine
by penskii
Description: In which we learn why there is no working authorization code.

Week - 485

The Funnies: Gravity
by penskii
Description: An important message from AstroVilla Staff.

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It's a Bug's Life 2
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Aria of the Aeons: Part Two
Even now, flying over the pastel buildings of Faerieland a year later, he found his way to the plaza without really trying...

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Jhudora's Journal: Part Two
She pulled out her wand and waved it over the lock. It turned to ash, to my absolute horror. If Jhudora caught me spying on her, I could share the lock's fate...

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The Roleplay Cafe
Conclusion to issue 464's hypothesis: Yes. I HAVE raised my pets incorrectly.

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Sounds of fighting and screams are distant but the incessant knocking on the front entrance is all too clear.

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